Guess I got tagged...

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1. 😂😱😍😬😤😰😭😧🤢🎈😐😊🏐🎁👌🏻😏😑😩😶😉😘🎉😠💞🚗👏🏻🎊😕🙄❤️
2. U.S.
3. Autumn
4. How can I choose? Equal I guess.
5. Dogs duh.
6. It's a 3 way tie between confinement, heights, and spiders.
7. Lind Mills
8. Female
9. Mint chocolate chip ice cream.
10. I cannot say the word comet. I can only say comment.

I tag chayatallent accio_barryallen A_Simple_Cactus
Jennifer_Lilli PeytonTheHufflepuff Puntrumpet dragonflyingmarauder Skoenig3
And anyone else who wants to do it lol

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