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I hadn't been travelling for too long before the sun danced below the horizon. Leaving me in the dark, I had the task of finding a place to rest. Since I was no longer in the safety of my old home, I would also have to fret over and prepare for the dangers lurking in the shadows. Climbing over more rocks and scaling precarious cliffs I finally managed to find a small over hang of rock. It was just big enough to make a nice sheltered area where I could stay overnight. I worked quickly to get a fire started. I held onto my sword and kept my bow near by me just in case something tried attacking. I didn't make it this far just to be struck down by one of the Cursed.

The Cursed were basically the undead, brought back to haunt the lands they had once lived. They only come out at night as they burn in the sunlight. Since the towns were so densely populated, we didn't need to worry much about these monsters. We had walls and guards to keep them at bay. Plus they were scared of light. So since the towns were lit up so brightly, they were never much of a threat. But now I'm out in the dark with a small fire as my only light source. I had no doubt they would find me, and when they did I would be in trouble.

I have never had to fight a Cursed monster before. I've only ever seen one or two, which I avoided as best as I could. I stared idly out into the open space where the light from my fire couldn't reach. I hold onto my bow, keeping it as close to myself as possible out of fear. I've never been on my own before, I have no one to help me if something goes wrong. If I let my guard down I could end up being over run, or those people could find me.

I sat in the darkness, my only light being from the flickering flames in front of me and the half moon hanging in the sky. I stayed up for a while until I became to tired to stay awake. My body felt heavy and my eyes cast a blurry haze over my surroundings. I tried to fight back the fatigue for as long as possible, but I ended up succumbing to the darkness just as the sky started to pale.


I knew I had fallen asleep when I awoke the next morning with the sunlight warming my face and easing the cold ache in my bones. I surprisingly felt relaxed as I stretched out my cramped muscles. I glance towards the fire to see that it had burned out without me to keep feeding it. I yawn and glance up to the sky, my comfort dissolving into shock. The sun had already climbed high into the sky, it was almost noon.

Frustrated for sleeping in, I quickly scramble to my feet and collect my things. During the night my bow ended up closer to the fire, and my bag was leaning up against the rock wall. I pull my cloak more secure against me and then sling the bag around my shoulders, looping my arms through the straps I then grab my bow. With my things gathered, I kicked some dirt onto the fire to snuff it out, then I set off with a new sense of urgency. I've travelled this way before. Not often, but I do know that these mountains don't last very long. I can make it to the forest beyond two days tops. After the mountains is a large forest composed of mainly spruce trees. Wolves prowled there so I would need to tread lightly. But that's a problem I wont have to worry about until tomorrow. Or possibly later today.

There was a light breeze that provided a fresh smell of earth and stone. I could hear running water and I made a v-line for it. Following the stream will take me to the bottom of the mountains faster, seeing as water follows the path of least resistance. I find the stream quickly and take the moment fill an empty potion bottle with water. Nar must have slipped a couple empty bottles in my bag, just in case. I was grateful for that as I had forgotten to grab some myself. I was being chased out after all.

I crouch down by the stream and cup my hands in the frigid waters. I watch the liquid pool in my palms and then I quickly splash it across my face. The cold against my skin woke me up fully, and now feeling refreshed, I continued on.


I have been walking for a few hours. My shoes were now wet as I had to cross the stream a couple times. The ground beneath my feet was starting to feel slightly less firm and grass, as sparse as it is, was becoming more abundant. I was near the end of the mountains.

I was hopping over the stream again when I caught an uncanny feeling of someone watching me. I paused mid stream and searched the area behind me. Seeing nothing I shrugged the feeling away and continued. I did not get out of the stream. I pulled my hood back up off my shoulders, feeling unsafe out in the open. There was no where I could hide or do except continue forward, as the nearest cluster of rocks was back uphill. I wasn't about to lose progress.

The stream splashed against my legs and soaked into my clothes. I was starting to feel weighed down, and the constant dampness made me cold. The breeze from earlier was no longer pleasant and nipped at me every chance it got. The sun was starting to sink towards the horizon making the air feel colder. I was starting to shiver and longed to stop and make a fire. I needed to dry off before I fell ill.

Making up my mind, I start hopping across some rocks towards the pebbly shore. The rocks here were covered in a slimy layer of moss, making it hard to walk on them without falling. I was almost at the shore when I cautiously scanned the area behind me. My body stiffened at what I saw. Standing on the top of the ridge is the figure of what could only be a werewolf. The wolf looks down at me with a piercing gaze.

Without much thought I turn and start rushing down the hill in a panic.

They found me. The hunters caught up with me.

*small note*
Sorry this is late!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2018 ⏰

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