But there were so many red flags

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Taehyung's POV

I knew he'd find me. And I remember how I hired Jennie to start

making out with me.

I didn't like Jennie even though she was a huge celebrity in South Korea.

She was pretty and I knew it'd hurt Jungkook the most if he saw

me cheat on him with a girl.

I saw him run away as I let go of Jennie.

I gave her the money, and smirked.

Yoongi's POV

I heard the door swing open and slam, the bang

ringing through out the house.

Jungkook was home. He went into his room.

I knocked on the door, hesitantly.

Is he okay? Obviously not he's barely been gone for an hour.

"Jungkook ah?"

I heard whimpering.

I slowly opened the door to see Jungkook with his hands in his hair,

while he's scolding himself.

"You're not good enough, Jung."

"No one loves you, that's why he did it."

"You're ugly, you're fat, you're worthless, you're untalented..."

He just kept going on, acting as if I wasn't there.

I grabbed my lighter and started flickering it on and off. If it soothes me,

I hope it soothes him too. He seemed...calmer.

I wrapped my arms around his body,

"Life is tough,

but so are you."

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