Daddies little girl

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Though In this current time I have no children,
There has been a soul within my inner vision.
Curious to how you'd grow as this world is a prison,
I write this note in hopes of a unique  division.
In hopes you'll grow into the woman to lead all women,
And play a role in my goal to bring this world revision.
I want you to be the type of woman that everyone needs,
The type to lead by example and practice what you preach.
The type of woman that can hold your head up when things get rough,
And never allow yourself to stop pushing or give up.
I want you to be a woman of intelligence and a will of her own,
I want you to enjoy your life with no pain to your moral.
I want you to be mindful of yourself, your beauty, your goals,
No matter what life brings you keep your wonderful soul.
I don't want you to be the type of woman that calls your friends "bitch",
I definitely don't want you to be the type of woman to respond to it.
I don't want you to be the type of woman that claims any "thing" as necessity,
There's never a reason to steal but I'm sure you'll earn everything.
I want you to be a strong woman, filled with pride,
The type of woman that would never sell her soul to a guy.
Never beg, never lie,
Never plague, never cry.
Even though I've never taken part in any severe negativity,
I would never want you to grow up to be like me.
I want you to grow with power, moral, and respect,
I want you to be forever happy and live without regret.
Of course this is unrealistic, a simple father's wish
But even now I can see it. You are the best.

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