The job/Nova finds out

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Nova's pov

I saw Reiki blush when he came back to the hotel and kept hiding his face with his hair.

Nova: what's wrong with you
Reiki: nothing, I'm fine
Nova: does it have something to do with Yuki
Reiki: no
Sylvia: let's just have some dinner and go to bed

With Yuki, Celesta's pov

Yuki looked kind of different because of her hair still long and in a high ponytail. I heard the jingle of keys and locked at where it was coming from. The sound came from here bag then all of a sudden, a lion appeared in front of us.

Lena: hey pinkie pie
Yuki: Lena, why the hell did you open your gate again
Lena: can't I see my friend
Celesta: Yuki, can I ask you something
Yuki: sure what is it
Celesta: are you a celestial wizard
Lena: of course she is because she is my master
Yuki: *grabs Lena and throws her out the window* you should shut your mouth
Sting: your more deadly
Yuki: I know
Celesta: Yuki, when did you become a celestial wizard
Yuki: I was four and I was in the dragon realm and saw Layla
James: can I hug you
Yuki: get the hell away from me
Lena: that isn't nice you know
Yuki: shut up
Sting: is this lion related to the zodiac lion
Yuki: she is related to Aries the Ram and Leo the Lion
Celesta: I smell something good
James: I love the smell of mum's home made meals
Yuki: I finally get to have her food again after five years

Yuki kept walking then a bag with diamond keys fell out of her bag and I picked them up. I looked at them and felt a strong aura coming from them. I looked through all the keys then saw some demon keys and quickly put them in my pocket.

Yuki: I'm glad that I'm back here but only for a night
Celesta: Yuki can I ask you something
Yuki: what is it
Celesta: your keys fell out of your bag and I want to have a battle with you
Yuki: can I have my keys and sure I will battle you tomorrow in the morning and give me back my demon keys
Celesta: come get them Dragneel
Celesta: *jumps out the window but drops the demon keys* run
Sting: can I ask if you got more react less the last time I saw you

Yuki's pov

We finally reached Sting's house and got to the kitchen.

James: we're home mummy and we have Yuki
Celesta: yeah and she is still a demon
Yuki: you want me to bite your head off
Sting: no one is killing or biting people's heads off
Yukino: hi Yuki, how is fairy tail
Yuki: it's okay but my uncle is still an idiot
Sting: that's Natsu for ya

The next day, at the beginning of the battle between Yuki and Celesta

Nova: why are these two doing this
Reiki: don't know
Yuki: I want to see how powerful this eight year old is
Sting: celesta vs Yuki and this is a simple battle, you can use your magic and make it less painful
Yuki and Celesta: right
James: go Yuki
Sting: begin
Celesta: I'll start this fight, OPEN GATE OF THE BALANE: LIBRA
Yuki: fine lets have it that way, OPEN GATE OF THE UNDERWORLD KING: MARD GEER
Mard geer: hi again Lady Yuki
Yuki: sorry that I called you it's just that I'm having a fight with this strong dragon slayer celestial wizard
Celesta: you have more spirits than me
Virgo: time for punishment
Mard geer: what are your orders Lady Yuki
Yuki: I only need one more spirit to to do something
Celesta: isn't two enough
Celesta: crap, I need to get a hold of her keys
Nova: *yells* hey Yuki, what happened between you and Reiki
Yuki: *gets thrown off course and blushes* huh
Celesta: *thinks* nows my chance. *yells* LIBRA NOW
Libra: counter balance
Yuki: *starts to float upwards* OPEN GATE OF THE BABY LION: LENA
Lena: hi pinky, what's the problem
Lena: your the one that didn't care about my birthday
Yuki: shut it and help me or I will throw a diamond sword at your head *idea pops in her head* NOW ACTIVATE THE DIAMOND SWORDS OF LIGHT *swords appear in her hands* much better, Lena catch
Lena: *catches the sword* thanks now let's finish this battle
Yuki: okay, Mard Geer and Virgo can take Libra and we can take celesta
Celesta: I just remembered something, I have one demon key that is very powerful that I took off your key bag *the key of E.N.D appears in her hand* this is the demon that dad told me about
Yuki: Uncle ENDS key
Celesta: why is this key so important to you
Yuki: my father told me not to lose it
Celesta: I wonder how it works
Yuki: KEY, RETURN TO ME *ENDS key appears in her hand* it worked
Nova: Yuki are you going to answer me
Yuki: I'll tell you after
Nova: fine, I'll just tell James what I think
Yuki: no don't tell him
Nova: I'll just ask Reiki
Reiki: *whispers in her ear* I asked Yuki out and she said yes
Nova: yes my ship became true. Yuki, have you kissed Reiki yet
Yuki: *nearly trips* what the hell are you thinking Nova, I'm only ten and he is sixteen
Celesta: *knocks her sword out of her hand* I win
Yuki: sword, return to me. *sword appears in her hand* I'm sorry but I win because all your spirits are gone and I used my diamond lock on your dragon slayer magic so you lose and I win
Celesta: how did you lock my dragon slater magic
Yuki: the diamond ring around your wrist is a lock
Sting: looks like the winner is Yuki Dragneel
Lena: good job Pinky
Mard Geer: well done lady Yuki
Virgo: call me when people need punishment
Yuki: bye, oh um Virgo
Virgo: yes
Yuki: can you tell Aquarius that she needs to get better at aiming and I will always call you when Nash needs punishment
Virgo: see ya later
Yuki: *smirks evilly and turns around* lets go do the job

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