Highschool, Heaven for some Hell for Most

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Alexanders POV
Walking into highschool I sigh. I quickly check that my house keys are in my pocket as I walk in. I breathe in taking in all of the stimulation around me. Girls here, jocks there. People running, people screaming. Yep a normal highschool. The first day is always hectic.
I walk to my homeroom and sit in the back. People snicker at my long hair, I only shrug it off. Sitting near the window I look out at the sky. The sun is rising, making me yawn knowing how early I've awoken. The room fills with my peers and I move my messenger bag under my desk more. I see a group of three young men sit next to me. One is big and gentle somehow. He wears a white shirt and blue jeans with a grey hoodie. His sleeves pushed up. His face looks joyful and tired. His hair short and normal compared to my mess of hair.
The next young man. His curly hair is tied back, already starting to grow a goatee. His eyes are strong and powerful. He wears a dark blue tee shirt with jeans and sneakers.
The one that made me loose my breath was a young man with a grey tank top and blue jeans with sneakers. His hair is pulled into a low pony tail. His eyes are kind and strong. He sits with the other young men comfortably and joyfully.
I quickly look back at the window so I'm not caught staring.
"Who's that kid? I've never seen him around before." Says a deep strong voice.
"Oui! Neither have I!" Says a thick French accent.
"Dont just talk about em' ya know he can hear ya right.?" Says a softer and kinder voice.
Someone taps my shoulder I look back into the kindest eyes I've seen since my mother died.
"The names John, John Laurens. That French asshole is Lafayette." He points to the man with a dark blue shirt.
"And the last one is Hercules. Don't be scared of em', he looks like a brute but truly he's a marshmallow." He laughs.
He takes in my appearance. I simply wear a black shirt and a red hoodie with dark jeans along with my sneakers. My hair is pulled back into a low ponytail.
"Alexander, Alexander Hamilton."
"Were are you from Alex?" Says the Frenchmen.
"Yeah I've never seen you around." Says Hercules.
"Uh.. Its a long story." I reply not wanting to get into my sob story.
"Aww come on man!" Says John. He smiles at me incouraging me to open up.
"Long story short- My house was destroyed in a hurricane." I say simply so they don't pry anymore. The trio sits there mouths agape. John was the first to speak.
"I'm so sorry.." He places a hand on my shoulder. I smile softly.
"Don't worry about it."
"Wow I feel like a dick." Murmurs Lafayette.
"Again don't worry about it. Its natural to be curious."
"Alex, you seem like someone who's seem some shit and who has a lot to tell. I like you. Want to hang out after school?" Smiles John changing the subject. I smile brightly and he lifts his hand off my shoulder.
"Yeah!" I say a little too loud. Hercules and Lafayette chuckle.
"Sorry- I've never had a group of friends before.. I promise I'll make you all proud." I say anxiety seeping through every word. No one says a word. The trio exchanges glances and John smiles at me.
"You have a lot to tell my friend." He pats my shoulder.

John Laurens x Alexander HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now