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I admired in awe at the girl who walked over to the sides and stood. My eyes and brain must've been playing major tricks on me. I never thought that I call would be playing, especially with a burly team like this one. I was suddenly in la la land as the referees blew their whistles, resuming the game, the Ox players started to roll and scramble around the court as each of them tried to get open. They had ball possession and one guy threw the ball gracefully to  the girl.

As she held the ball, Ricky tried to guard her but failed as she sunk a long three point shoot right in his face. The crowd roared as she did so and I also did too, but silently in my head since I couldn't be too out of focus.

After awhile in the third, the game itself seemed to be harder then I thought. The Oxes weren't giving up a lick of slack as they blocked shots and set up easy fouls so they could get those and-ones.

At the time, the ball was in our possession as we were all guarded by the Oxes except me. I saw that Rasheed had the ball and I was calling for it.

"Ayo Rasheed right here man!" I called out for him. He dashed his eyes at me, but ignored me as he went up for a shot and missed the basket. The team groaned as he missed and I couldn't do nothing but suck my teeth. Dumbass. The third quarter was finally over as we went into the fourth quarter after.

We were only up by a point at the time and it was only a minute left on the clock and the female player walked and dribbled the ball up too me along the lane of the court. I was standing in front of her, closely watching her every move in case she slip up. An easy steal would do us great anyway.

"Come on SJ!" yelled the Ox coach. "You got this!"

The girl, whose name was SJ, took her coaches words of encouragement, but sadly she'll come to know that she's not going really far when it came too me. As she dribbled , I continued to the hear the impact of the ball and the floor connect with each passing second. Quickly, I ganged up on her leaving her little to no space at all. Our faces inches away.

She looked at me with her soft, brown eyes as I watched her pant. Sweat casually running down her light skinned face from her headband and so was mine. Her lips looked so kissable and luscious that I just couldn't stop looking at them at all. Her looks got the best of me though.

Within seconds of gazing at her, she slipped away from me, leaving me in the dust. I tried my best to catch up with her, but the girl was entirely too fast. She drove hard to the basket as seconds were left on the clock. I felt like the only person to stop her was-

Ricky then got from the post and with swiftness he violently blocked her shoot and hitting her as they were both in the air. SJ flopped onto the floor mid flight and let's say it wasn't a pretty sight as her head bounced up from the court. She held her head and winched, while Ricky stood there not caring.

The whistle blew, resulting in a foul and Ricky obviously got upset.

"Yo man I barely touched her!" He spat in anger. "She fell herself. I walked over to her and offered to help her with my hand stretched out. As I picked her up, I asked her if she was okay.

"Yeah I'm fine, thanks." She said as Ricky was arguing with the ref.

"Is you dumb or something, need your eyes checked!"

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