Dm: Brothers

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Oi are you alright, Albie

Yeah...why wouldn't I be?

I saw your comment on Rose's post, it's okay I know about you're undying love for the young Malfoy 🤣

What do I do?

Wait you're serious..oh..

You're the only person who knows...except I think Rose maybe has an inkling

That fucking bitch, It's okay I won't tell anyone, but trust me Albus you'll be fine, everyone will still love you the same and if anyone dares do otherwise they'll have me to answer to!

Thank you James, you're the best big brother anyone could ask for, but shut up a minute with this cheesy shit before I barf - what are we gonna do about Scorp and Rose

What you need is to get away from them....and possibly change your name

Leave it to me

Seen at 18:39

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