Chapter ²

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So I'm gonna skip pat the plain ride. JS.


       I hopped off the plane, excitement  bubbling inside me. I found my bags and looked around till I found a guy maybe in his early 30's holding a sign that said Paisley Magister.
       "So I gotta wee real quick I'll be back. Can you out my stuff in the taxi?" I asked the man handing him my bags except for the duffle bag with I was gonna keep with me.
       "Yes of course ma'am." Ma'am? What the hell.
        "Yeah call me Paisley. Anyways thanks I'll be out in a second," I said walking off to find the bathroom. I quickly found it with no hassle thank god. I did my business, washed my hands, then looked at my self in the mirror. I was wearing joggers and a Calvin Klein sports bra. I took my hair out of the messy bun and got in my duffle bag for my brush brushing through it then leaving it with its naturally wavy blondness.
           I hopped in the taxi and the more we drove the more anxious I got.
           We pulled up to the giant ass how's and suddenly it hit me. I was about to meet the loves of my life. I got out of the taxi, walked up to the front door and took a deep breath before knocking. I could her the faint Australian accents in the house.
           "Michael who is it?" I believe Luke's yelled.
            "I don't know that's why I am going to go check," Michael yelled back. "Dude its the reporter that's supposed to be coming. She's hot as hell," I blushed at the comment. I don't think they know I can here them.
           " I wanna see," Luke yelled. Then the door swung open to show I red haired Michael. And then Luke ran up behind them.
            "Hi I'm Paisley Magister" I introduced holding out my my hand and Mikey gladly took it.
              "Come on in, love" he said in that annoyingly attractive Australian accent and stepped to the side. And I then noticed all four of 5 seconds of summer were standing in front of me.
             "Hi," I breathed out doing my best to keep calm.
              "Well why don't you ashton show her to her room, okay?" Mikey offered
              "Uh, yeah that would be nice."
               "Right this way," Ashton said gesturing for me to follow him upstairs. He brought me to a plain white door and opened slowly.
               "So you have your own bathroom, and you may decorate it how ever you'd like," he said and I looked around the large room astonished. It had a giant king sized bed in the middle a giant ass window with a desk in from of it and dresser with a 64' TV on it. "Do you need help unpacking?" Ashton asked politely
           "No I've got it, thank you tho," I smiled
           "Okay, dinner will be done by six, Maria's cooking Taco's" he said.
           "Maria?" I question.
           "She's are maid, she cooks, she cleans. She's like a mother. Helps keep us 20 year old boys out of trouble and so we don't destroy the house," he laughed slightly, scratching the back of his neck and we stood there in awkward silence for like a whole minute till he finally spoke up. "I'm gonna go down stairs see you in a bit, yeah?" He asked his accent really showing. I gave him a nod and turned around setting my suitcases on my bed as I heard his footsteps walk away
            I was finished unpacking by the time maria called up the stairs for me to comedown.

(A\N sorry there so short ill try to start making the chapters longer.)
All the love,
Queen of lashton

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