26: The girl fight

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After two months...

My heart was pounding hard against my chest as I stand behind the curtains. Tonight, I'm attending a fashion show. The guests are big-named people like celebrities, famous fashion designers and also, my Sebastian is here to watch. We aren't yet officially dating but he's always there for me. I don't know what's going on in between us but there was a complicated reason why I can't date him right now. He broke up with his girlfriend, Maria who is unexpectedly pregnant with his child and now he would have to take responsible of the child's needs.

I was snapped back to reality when the curtains opened, revealing the runway. Taking a step forward, I parted my lips a little bit and did a catwalk down the runway. The flashing of the cameras, shrilling and applause of the people boosted up my confidence. I know, I am the star of the night, I'm gorgeous and stunning! I even wear the most elegant garments.

The audiences became noisier when I made a pose at the edge of the runway before twirling around to walk back into the backstage. But my mood suddenly changed when I saw Stephanie Seymour at the front row. I tried to ignore the strange feeling and smirked to myself as I walk contiously. I was followed by a blonde model who almost got tripped when I passed by her. Damn, I'm proud of myself!


After the fashion show, Sebastian picked me up and I'm now currently in Skid Row's private limousine with Rachel, Scotti, Snake, Rob. We're on our way to Los Angeles to hang out at Rainbow bar and celebrate.

Once we got there, I breathed in the fresh night breeze of L.A., I really missed this place. There are a lot of flashbacks happening in my mind, memories of me and the world famous band, Guns N' Roses. As we step into the entrance, I could no longer hear the noisy chatterings of Sebastian and his band mates because of the loud metal music blaring through the whole building of Rainbow.

It's really crowded inside today, which was quite unusual. Rachel was cussing out continously as he push through the crowd. Sebastian was holding my hand tightly, he approach the security and whispered something to him.

"Seb, we should get out of here" I looked up to him.

"No Crystal, you must see this" he said with a grin as he watch the security settle things up.

The people flinched as they walk away from the bar and the crowd slowly disappeared. When the bar was finally visible, I realized what the commotion is all about. A group of men were sitting by the table near the bar and those men are Axl Rose and the band members of Guns N' Roses. They were drinking, smoking pots and having fun. They don't even care about everything around them. They didn't even noticed us. I am shocked.

What kind of coincidence is this?

"See, it's not that hard to clean up this place, baby" Sebastian's voice interrupted my thoughts. He slung an arm over my shoulder.

"Please, don't do this to me" I pleaded. Now, I got it, this is not only a coincidence, Sebastian planned this.

"Why Crystal" he shook his head. "You have to show him that you're enjoying life without him"

I sighed and nodded slightly. Rachel, Scotti and the rest of the gang joined the Guns. I didn't hesitated when Sebastian dragged me towards them. Their gazes landed on me, I felt extremely awkward. But they still welcomed me with their smiles. Unlike Axl, he was pretending that he can't see me. Stephanie was beside him, clinging on to his arm with her head rested on his shoulder. She's everywhere!

I quickly diverted my attention away from them and smiled back at Duff, Slash, Gilby, Dizzy, Matt and Ace.

"Hey pals, Crystal's now mine" Sebastian announced.

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