31: She's all I need

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Sorry for making you wait guys. I got grounded for a week and I could barely touch my phone; which has my wattpad app. But now I'm back, missed you all so bad. So in this part Stephanie and Axl's breakup was brought to court and now he's gonna give his last 'goodbye' to Stephanie's son, Dylan who became deeply attached to him.

Here goes Axl!

Malibu, California| February, 1992

****Axl's P.O.V.****

I waited impatiently as Stephanie threw her stuffs into her luggage. She's getting ready to leave and I got nothing to say, she really doesn't matter to me at all. The first time I met her, I was fascinated by her beauty and I also became pretty close to her son, Dylan that I let her into my life. I thought we would be happy together but I was wrong. We often get into a fight, I accused her of doing drugs infront of Dylan and accused her of being unfaithful. She did showed love and affection to me but I couldn't appreciate it because I was never healed from my breakup with Crystal. It's just she never satisfies me and everything in our relationship, the smiles, the kisses and the memories were all lies. The worst part is, our breakup was brought to court. She filed a lawsuit against me but it was immediately settled out of court. It seems like I started a relationship with her to make my life even more miserable.

This time, I realized that there's only one girl who showed me true love and loyalty... and that would be Crystal, my lovely angel. She's the only one who could bright up my world. I returned her nothing but pain and agony. For the second time, she left me. I don't know if she could forgive me again and give me one last chance.

"Mom, where are we going?"

I felt a stinging pain in my chest when I heard Dylan's innocent voice. I looked back at Stephanie's direction and my problems were shrugged off my head.

"Axl!" Dylan yelled and he sprinted towards me. I bent down a bit to smile pull him into a hug.

"Hey boy, what's up?" I said softly.

"Mom said we're leaving California. Aren't you coming?" he gave me a pleading look that really touched my emotions, knowing that this would be my final chance to talk to this kid. I smiled apologetically.

"I'm sorry, but Axl can't come sweetie-"

"Definitely not" Stephanie interrupted, grabbing Dylan's hand to pull him away from me. I straightened up and met her eyes that were full of anger.

"Mom! What's wrong?" Dylan cried, tugging on to the dress of his mother.

"I was just saying goodbye to my son" I smirked at her. She tried to slap my face with her palm but I caught her by the wrist.

Wrong move, bitch...

"Hm, that's all you got baby?"

"You're such a devil!" She growled, ripping her wrist off my grip.

"That's right, so leave before I could smash your beautiful face in the wall" I spatted at her, making her tears fall down.

She turned around and stormed out of the door, dragging Dylan with her. I clenched my fists as I hear Dylan's voice fade away.

You're not what I needed...


The sound of chirping birds and the rustling of leaves eased my mind as I stood by the railings of the balcony, enjoying the view of Malibu beach. I took a sip from the decanter of liquor in my hand, memories flooded in my mind. This is where I asked her out to be my girl. The prettty, innocent, teenage girl who made me even more crazy.


I wonder what she's doing now. I regret that I preferred to be drunk or drugged up when I still have her. God... I really want her back. But she needs some time to think and she's with Sebastian, I must show respect.

Yeah right, how could that happen? Fucking shit, there are thousands of rockstars and famous celebrities in this fucking world. Why does she have to end up with an old pal of mine?

I mean, she was safe with him. Sebastian was a good guy. But no matter what happens, I'll do everything to have her back. Because I can never live in peace again as long as I don't have her in my arms. No, I don't want her I need her.

During the night she had a fight with Stephanie, I felt totally terrified. I tried to resist her, I was the one who urged her to hurt Stephanie. That's why, when I got home, I tried to end up my life with a gun but Stephanie stopped me.

Those things will never happen if only I took care of her. My grip on the empty decanter tightened that it broke into my hand.

"God damn it" I hissed.

The broken pieces of glass fell on the floor as the scarlet blood started dripping from my hand. Another flashback occurred in my mind, when I punched the wall and got my hand bleeding. She cleaned my wounds before she left.

I need her...


Good Bye Bitch!

Oh my God! That fucking hurts. So sad for my dear Axl, he and Crystal where both alone right now. Well, well, well.... I wonder what's gonna happen next. ;) I hope Axl's P.O.V. has cleared out something.

Since the previous chapters were really short so the next one will be long and exciting, watch out!


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