Chapter 1 : Lee JinSoul

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Tap tap.

I'm hating the sound of water droplets falling from the tap of my bathroom. But I'm too scared to get up from my bed and go there.

Maybe the sound wouldn't feel so loud if I could breath properly. I'm holding my breath, covering half of my body, also a part of my face with a blanket even though I'm sweating inside. My throat feels dry and I'm afraid the loud beating sound of my heart would make that thing notice me.

That thing in the darkest corner.

It’s funny that even though I'm twenty years old and I keep telling myself that it's all in my head that I can't believe it anyway. How can I? When I can see, feel things around me?

Have you ever felt someone watching you?

Watching from real closely, measuring every step you take and you can feel those eyes from your back. Sharp eyes that you can't hide from.

Sudden chills giving you goosebumps. Even in your sleep you only get nightmares cause you can never relax. Someone is watching.

Or something.

That's how I've been feeling for the past few days. I don't know when it all started. It just did. In my college, my workplace, home, everywhere I could feel someone watching me.

And the most frightening thing is, somehow the person; the thing that's watching me doesn't feel like human.

Maybe it's all in my head. Just like anyone would say.

Then what's that thing over there? For the past few nights it's been there. I was afraid, so I kept the lights on when I slept tonight. Somewhere around midnight I woke up and it was dark. That thing was there. Again.

I can't keep my eyes off it. Cause I feel as soon as I'd close my eyes it would devour me.

I try to swallow the huge lump in my throat. Afraid that I would make a sound.

Well, how to describe that thing over there? It's like huge shape. A dark figure sitting in the furthest corner of my room. It actually feels short but the width is huge.

Even though my room is dark there's always a faint light coming from the street. Making everything vaguely visible but that corner has been the darkest. Darkest because the dark thing sits over there.

I would have believed that it’s all my imagination or hallucination whatever it is. But I can actually feel it breathing.

Slow, steady yet raggy breaths. While it keeps staring at me like it's passing a message.

That I can't escape from it.

This has been happening for a week already. Even in my dreams I see it staring at me from more closely so I kind of gave up on sleeping.

I try to stay still so it won't notice me. Sometimes I wonder if this was really all in my head. At least I could get peace thinking this wasn't real.

Maybe it really isn't real.

My eyelids feel heavy and they keep trying to fall. After fighting for a while to stay awake I finally give up and my eyes close. Giving me rest for a few seconds but then I remember again.

That thing is watching me.

I rashly open my eyes and that's when I see it from ever so closely.
It was leaning its face over mine.

I was wrong. It wasn't short. It was tall, really tall. Its huge figure almost touched my ceiling as the half of its body stayed right at that corner and the other part bend its way to my bed. To meet my eyes.

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