Chapter One

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Chapter one: Mission Accomplished?

In other side of the place is full of humans, sweat, alcohol and smoke of cigars; The night is still young they thought and definitely oblivious of what is currently happening.

boys and girls from left and right swaying their body onto the tune of the deafening music.

Onto the absence of light in the other side of the place, the sicking sound of silence lies the two silhouettes dancing in the darkness that surrounds the vicinity.

"advance to the second part of the plan," she say as she slit the throat, completely silencing the guard that was stationed near the eerie forest, so as the others.

"got it," he response as he swiftly move around the area placing undetectable smoke bombs and spy cameras. He place smoke bombs, just in case the situation escalate.

"done, already moving into the information building," he said as he run attentively. In this kind of state, be cautious; every move should be precise and calculated, no room for errors.

"okay then, It's time to do my part," she utter while she look for the hidden switch in the end of the hallway. Still searching, her patience is wearing thin. "C'mon," she breath out. "nice," she smiles as she found where it is. She pushed the brick to open a underground passage.

"I'm on my way, how's it going?" she ask her fellow through her earpiece while she walks in a dark, narrowed, spiral staircase.

As she walks further in the passageway, she puts her night vision sunglasses, at the end of the hallway there is a three metal doors that is surely heavily secured.

"Which way Mister?" she inquire while tapping her right foot in the floor, her arms crossed.

"wait a second Missy," he said whilst breathing stiffly.

She's ready to spit out her retort that is full of sarcasm but she stop because she notice that door in the middle suddenly opens.

"You're welcome," he said teasingly as she just roll her eyes at his childishness, she just ignore him for the sake of their mission, but she's already planning her revenge in different savage ways and she will absolutely execute after she get through this hellhole.

Her partner in crime obviously savors that she didn't reply, because if she did their bickering wouldn't stop anytime soon. Speaking of her colleague, he's work is clearly in front of the computer right now but the setup they they were currently in, is just for tonight. It just that he's loser comrade is not very good at playing, rock-paper-scissors. Yes, they did that to discern on who will be at the field and who will be in assign in front of the computer being the eyes and ears of the one who is at the outside field, which undeniably non other herself.

She push the metal door, that reveals the mysteries and secrets that only a few soul knew. She takes everything that could be use against their foes. She tuck some essential documents under her delicate black gown, and is still wearing a black five inch killer heels.

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