Chapter 7: Seto Sorcerer

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A/N: Hello everyone I am back! Laptop is fixed and I have time to write a bit for today. Though I did just done empty my stomach in a public restroom, not fun. But, yet I feel hungry. Odd. Any who, update on OC contest. Winner will be announced on July 16th, the day I go to Florida for a week of fun. So, if you haven't entered, best do so now! 

Now, let's get started as we see what Seto has to say about what has happened to Adam.


Ty was found by two recruits later on as he, Mitch, and Jerome were all rushed to Husky's clinic and forced to lay down as the mudkipz went to get Seto for some potions. Ty found himself not being able to move, due to Husky's hawk like eyes and constantly pushing him back onto the bed. It was no wonder they joked with each other how much of a mother hen the pokemon was when it came to his clinic. 

The clinic was just like any other infirmary. Stone walls, birch floors, windows between ever two beds and beds lined up along the walls with a desk beside each. A small area where Husky had a storage of potions and a desk. Also a three beds that had a signs that read 'Reserved for Adam', 'Reserved for Mitch', and 'Reserved for Jerome'. Ty chuckled, they were often the ones in here the most, mainly Adam, for the king he sure was accident prone. Mitch and Jerome was a given if you knew the two well enough.

As of now, Ty  laid there staring at the ceiling in deep thought about what had happened. Adam looked so... dark. His eyes glowed with fire, no longer with the warmth Ty remembered. He shifted a bit, trying to ignore the sudden shiver that ran up his spine at the memory of Adam looking at him with the cold, glowing gold eyes. 

"Ty?" a voice broke him out of his thoughts as he turned his red eyes over to Seto standing beside his bed as he applied the potion of calming to the other. His racing heart beat soon slowed as he took a breath and smiled at the sorcerer.

"Thank you Seto." he said softly as the other nodded to him. He put the cork back on and placed it on the desk beside him as he looked back at his friend.

"Care to tell me what happened?" Seto asked, as he used his magic to pull a chair closer to him as he sat down.

Ty looked at his hands for a moment, he wasn't sure where to start with the story. In his mind it was still all a jumbled mess, he took a slow breath and decided to start from the beginning. Telling Seto again what happened to Adam, then what he found in the cell when he went to see the prisoner.

Seto, for his part, was silent as he listened. His eye brown furrowed together in thought as he took all that Ty said in. The fact that Adam did a complete 180 on his personality did seem to be something only magic could do. But, what magic? Seto liked to think himself knowledgeable on magic, even the more darker aspects of it mostly in theory. To think someone used magic of that level on Adam was astonishing, and a little unsettling. While not highly religious like his family, Seto did still do the rituals in private. And with how Ty described Adam, it was sending warning bells off in the sorcerers mind.

"And now we're here." Ty finished softly as Seto hummed softly before getting up.

"Recover for now Ty," he sighed, "Tomorrow, meet me in the library." he told him turning to leave.

Ty frowned, "Do you know what has happened to him?" he asked softly, worried for his first friend. 

Seto paused for a moment, Ty could see him shift on his feet. "I'm not sure, but I have an idea. I only pray to Notch I'm wrong." he muttered softly, almost to himself as he left out the door.

Ty stared for a long moment at the door, before Husky came over and instructed to him he should get some sleep. Ty wasn't hurt, but no arguing with the Mudkip Hen. He laid back on the cot, letting his mind wander as he thought on Seto's words. He truthfully knew the other well, he was originally the one who suggested Seto to Adam as the Court Sorcerer. Seto was Ty's second friend, so he felt he knew the other well enough to know that tone.

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