Chapter fifteen - The adventure starts

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Ryan P.O.V

"I see, you want to play the game again?" he said, while laughing like a devil.

I gasped and tried to block his feet, which were trying to kick me me. He walked to the wall behind him and slowly put Felix down. He looked straight in his eyes and whispered something. Felix nodded slowly and looked to the ground, standing still like he was frozen. 

What was that? Felix could attack him! Felix had seen that he wasn't as innocent as he thought he was. And he was just standing there? I wanted to teach him some lessons about 'trusting people' and 'loving people you don't really know'

Mad walked up to me, still smiling like the devil. 

"You know what happened the other time time.. You almost died.. But Maxime had to save you, of course. She is still there, you know.. And she is not going to save you this time. I locked her up in the tower and she is practicing her fire art. She doesn't know that she is locked up in my little world. But I know that she isn't as dumb as.. Felix.." Mad said, while slowly placing his hands besides my head.

I was leaning to the wall, trapped into the arms from Mad. He was talking about a world he created. If he touched you and did something, he could teleport you into another world. His world. And there was only one way to get out of there. I've already been trapped inside that world. Mad and one of his 'mates' tried to kill me, but a girl saved me on the right moment. Her name was Maxime and she was a fire mage. She could do everything with it and was a really kind person. And she was way stronger than I thought at first. 

How could I make Mad go away..? I didn't wanted to be trapped in his fantasy world again. I couldn't survive it again. And I didn't had one special power or something like that. 

"But I will make it a little bit easier for you. You can decide what your weapon will be this time.. And it will be a game.. Kind of. But there are more chances that you die. And you never know if people are good or evil.. If you die there, you will be dead forever," he said. 

I looked at him, with frowned eyebrows. 

"Can't you just let me stay home? It would be less effort for you and I will kiss you," I said, while smiling brightly (but fake, of course).

He started to laugh and snapped his fingers. 

"Felix! Wake up and walk to Ryanel."

I wanted to protest when he said 'Ryanel', but Felix walked up to me and smiled at me, really happily, like a happy dog.

"Watch over him, by the way. I already set his options and what his power will be. It really suits him. If you lose this challenge, I might keep him in my empire. He looks amazing and is amazing. Well, good luck guys. See you there. And I'm going to kill you, Ryanel."

He touched my shoulder and slowly came closer to me. 

"Disappear right now, right in front of me, travel to my world and see what I want you to see. I don't think you have a single chance, but you can always try. We fight for the love from Felix Kjellberg. Liderano Disaparon"

A lot of pain shot through my body and I felt a little guy hugging me, afraid of what was happening. I felt warm tears streaming down my face. Too much emotions were running through my body. Pain, happiness, love, sadness, desperation. I was going to challenge Mad again. And I could choose what I wanted to be. But what could fight the devil? An angel would be way to cliche. It had to be something special. But when was something special? What creature could defeat him? 

I could only see something dazzling white. When I closed my eyes, it didn't disappear. 

Was I already dying?!

I felt the hugging boy disappear. Wait?! Felix..? I opened my mouth to yell something, but a lot of pain caused me to stop. I tried to fight to it, but deep from the inside I knew that I couldn't do anything about it. I was going to die. Or Mad trapped me. Both were really bad. 

Couldn't I do anything about it? 

The white light disappeard and I felt my body hit the ground. I didn't feel any pain. I was just laying on the ground, breathing heavily. 

It happened again. It was still the same. He dropped me on the ground and I had to find a way to survive. And I already knew that there was no way to survive forever. You could only make your life a little longer. 

"Get up, my dear," a high pitched voice said. 

My body froze and I was just laying there, not moving. Did the fight start here? And where did Felix go? I was worried about him. He could probably not save himself in the huge world that Mad created. 

"Get up, please. I want to proceed. I don't have the whole day."

I slowly crawled up and looked around me. I was in a little dark room. A girl with huge glasses was sitting on a desk, while playing with a little gadget in her hand.

"What is your name?" she asked, with a huge smile.

I shrugged my shoulders. 

"I mean, what is the name you want to play under?" she asked, while bending over to pick something out of her desk-drawer. 

"Ryan..?" I said, while hesitating. 

I didn't understand any of it. 

"Of course, my dear. I would like to know your day of birth, favorite colour, last name, if you are allergic to something, where you are scared of, why you are here, who you know, what the name is you want to use when you are teaming up with others, how you feel, how you lived before you entered this, oh and that is not just all. A lot more. It are two-hundred questions! Do you got a question for me?" she said, while writing something in a huge book.

I widened my eyes and tried to remember everything she wanted to know. 

"Are you working for Mad?" I asked. 

She started to laugh.

"You must have hit your head when you came her. And who is Mad? I would like to hear more, but I have to write all the answers from the questions!" she said, while stroking with her hand through her hair.

She had brown long hair. A pencil stuck behind her ear. She was wearing a short blue skirt and she dragged a white shirt. Like a student. Her blue shoes were looking a little bit dirty, like she ran through some mud or something like that.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm being very rude. The name is Zoey!" she said, while looking up from the book, "but answer the questions, before I force you."

She tapped her glasses with her middle finger and licked her lips, in a really weird way.

"O-oh yeah. My favorite colour is green. I'm not allergic to anything. I'm scared of fighting people that are stronger than me, I'm.." A lot of information left my mouth. 

Zoey kept interrupting me with a sound, laughing and saying creepy things like: "Oh, that is a bad thing! You could get killed! Even by me!" And she would laugh really hard after it, like it was a really funny joke.


A/N: the story finally gets really awesome! I love this part from the story. But I have to change the description tho >.< So.. what do you think? Oh, and I'm using characters from here on. Maxime is a character from Flame_Fur! You will see her later. SAYONARA!

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