Chapter 1 - I'm getting us out of here.

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The power of thought is absolutely mankind's worst nightmare and at times only blessing. There's no way we could function without thinking, our everyday basically planned out in our heads thoroughly before we go on with it, you can't go against me on this one, it's everything, from how you walk, you talk or how you'll sleep later on.  But, what amazes me non-end, how you can go from something so simple like planning a day, to something so complex like thinking life over, wondering whether anything is still worth the try or not, or pondering over reasons to keep on trying, well, you see, another outstanding thing about thinking, is that it never stops no matter how dark and morbid your thoughts may become. You can't shut down your mind.

And that's my problem. I wish I could.

It's times like these, when you find yourself alone, with no other alternative than to lock yourself up in a room to stare out a the gray and hurried city that habits and lives beneath you, as if life were something simple and worth the while, yet all you ever wish for, is to somehow be a part of it, be part of the everyday rush hour, to walk in the city lights, be a part of something significant, because even if the rain gloomed the day and fogged up the window  making it seem as if they lived in gray, something inside me knew they sparked in vivid color.

It had somehow become some sort of habit of mine to stare down at the city, dazing over others reality as if it were dream, but my daydreams never lasted long enough. I gave the old cracked up window a small tap of the finger, almost as if trying to break the trance I normally found myself in. With a swift movement I turned back around to jump down from the window sill and give the dark room a look only to then give myself a sigh and a slump of the shoulders.

The orphanage could be found in the very heart of New York, almost always capturing the eye of by passers because of its horrible appearance. Apparently it was one of the cities relics, it' brick walls and wooden windows so worn out it seemed as if the building could collapse at any moment. At some points, I wish it did.

I never really knew much of life outside the orphanage, only a few of us got that privilege because adoptions weren't all that easy nowadays, the directives always blamed it on us, saying that we weren't worthy of attention because of our supposedly horrid appearances and behavior, they're utter bitches, but as I was saying, only a few girls ever got to know how it was on the outside, the rest of us, we were condemned to stay here a few more years, and probably the rest of our lives, unless someone was willing to adopt a seventeen year old orphan.

The week normally consisted of the same schedule, adoptions and meetings normally occurred in the morning, from seven to eleven which meant our day started at five, so everyone could use the shower, dress up in the same old life consuming uniforms we were given and afterwards the older girls made breakfast for the younglings, me being between the older ones. At twelve the directives made us lunch, everyone ate and then continued over to a small break, which was pretty dull as the rest of the day, and then back to activities, being crafts, cooking, reading, anything the directives thought could consume our time and make us lose focus over the miserable lives we lived. Isabel, the one closest to my age only being two months younger always sat down beside me in the main room so we could look over the younger ones together. When she had first arrived at the orphanage, age six, she looked scared, her hazel eyes darting everywhere as she walked through the front doors, her little pigtails dangling over her shoulders as her fingers fidgeted with the hem of her new uniform dress, yet now, she looked confident, yet very tired, gloomy, her defined features never disappeared, but her once beautiful toothy smile did.

She leaned over to me, her words always etched in my heart
as her breaths tickled my ear "I'm getting us out of here".


Hi everybody! I hope you're liking it, these first few chapters are mostly the introduction so you can all get some backstory before the real deal. Please enjoy, vote and share with everyone! After all this is my first fanfic, yet I have worked on it since a year ago. See you on the next chapter!

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