Chapter 2 - Nightmares.

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The horrid sound of a harsh explosion went off once more, my body jerking instantly on the worn out excuse of a mattress that creaked with every movement I'd make. Sweat covered each and every inch of my body while my ragged breaths tried finding a steady pace to follow. After a few years, there was no other way to come back down other than counting to ten and hoping for the best.

Even if my vision started blurring up by the tears that threatened to fall, I always sucked it in, like always, there's no use in breaking down. Giving up wasn't in my plans, especially now. You start to grow used to things once you repeat them a couple hundred times over the past few decades, who knows, maybe even centuries. I'm pretty sure by now I have each of their punishments memorized, as if they were the scars and marks upon my skin, from the looks to the lock ups, the constant whips or the branding irons they used to burn each and every sin into my body. It was all becoming nothing but a simple schedule. You grow used to it, you feel no anger, you feel no pain. Yet the nightmares always put me off.

At first, you try convincing yourself you're strong enough, for some time I thought I was, because I had to be, there was no way that a simple nightmare could get me going after everything I've been through. Yet, there was something about them, the constant screams, the tears in their eyes as they pleaded for mercy, her last words ringing in my ears, becoming a curse embedded in my soul, her hazel eyes showed compassion beneath layers of pain, a soft nod of the head was enough to grant me consent.

The thoughts slowly drifted away as the sound of constant thumping right outside the door appeared. Each thump louder than the last, ringing through my chest, reminding me of the missing feel of a heartbeat.

Without a second thought, I stood up, pacing through the dark up to the old wooden door. Eyebrows furrowed in annoyance, without hesitation I leaned in closer to the door to grant myself some more exposure upon the sounds, but it wasn't enough. With a swift movement, twisting the knob the door opened, the heat hitting my face as my eyes landed on a not so surprising scene, the hall lonesome other than the two creatures pulling the young man's body.

His head instantly shot up, his eyes red, filled with misery as he cried, his sobs, the hiccups, I couldn't stand it, I couldn't stand him. His lips quivered as his arms folded in ways I thought impossible, the two creatures pulling harshly at his wrists, the unpleasant sound of cracking echoing through the damaged walls. The tears that rolled over his skin and onto the floor instantly wiped away by his lifeless seeming body.

"Please, I beg of you" voice merely a croak as his eyes locked on mine, he couldn't assemble any more words. It had become part of the schedule, one of the many punishments they had to offer. Other than a punishment for them, it was punishment for me, their sickening yelps and cries used to have an effect on me, at first I felt pity, but then it was followed by anger. Their words never changed.

"I'm innocent!" the despair in his voice made my stomach swirl. Words spoken by many, becoming nothing but a joke told one too many times. They're all clueless.

One of them rose up its fist, his movement so quick it pierced the air as it landed on the young man's face, his body losing all sort of remaining consciousness. His head hung low as his fingers and legs dangled onto the marble blood stained floor. The two of them exchanged a look, almost as in relief before getting a good grip of his wrists, stopping at the end of the hall, in front of what I had learned was called the shoot. Where they all begin.

It took nothing but a simple fling of the arms for them to dispose of the damned young man into the flames down below. They waited patiently until the loud sound of one last thump was heard, the instant smell of burnt flesh filling the air.

They both looked at me, eyes which at some point of the journey showed nothing but hate, disgust, yet now, their red tinted orbs were emotionless, as if they had already had enough with me, as if they knew their stares held no effect whatsoever. Their hooves clicked on the ground as they passed my door, one of them stopping to place a heavy hand on my chest and harshly push me back in the room. 

With a scowl, I stepped back, letting the door shut behind me. Rubbing my eyes, I lied back down, the somehow cool sheets colliding with my back, eyes wandering off to the ceiling. His words rang in the room, the sound of his body colliding into the flames became another curse I had to bare one way or another. 

"Innocent," A scoff left my lips as my body looked for comfort, eyes closing, breathing soothingly paced. "Yeah right."

a/n: chapter two is up! enjoy, vote and share!

Unfortunate Souls.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt