July 1st: Canada Day

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Matthew sighed, blankly staring through his window. Today is Canada Day, his birthday, and he planned on spending it without anyone, just like the rest of his days. Maybe I'll go out and enjoy it with my people, he thought. It should at least get rid of this loneliness for a while.

Just then, he heard a knock at his door. "Coming!" he called, hopping up from his plush red chair and quickly walking to the door. He ran his fingers through his hair a few times in an attempt to make it look more presentable. He would have actually gotten ready that morning, but he hadn't been planning on doing anything, and wasn't expecting visitors.

He opened the door with a polite smile and started his usual greeting, but it died  before it ever left his mouth.

"Alfred?" He stared in disbelief. "W-what are you doing here? Isn't the fourth in three days?"

His brother smiled and hugged him, tight enough to crack any normal human's ribs. The Canadian returned the gesture in full.

"Yeah, but it is the first, right? That's your birthday! Or did you forget?" America pulled away, looking genuinely concerned that the other had forgotten about his birthday.

"No, I didn't forget; I just thought that everyone else had like they always do," he lamented quietly. Canada looked at the floor, seeming to find it far more interesting than the person standing in front of him.

"Well, I didn't forget," Alfred told him, putting a hand under his chin and guiding his gaze up so he could look Matthew in the eyes. "And I'm going to make sure you have fun, alright? It'll be great!"

And without another word of warning, Matthew found himself being dragged outside and shoved into a silver truck that was exactly not his dark red one. "Alfie," he asked, "Where are you taking me?"

The sunny American shrugged, turning the key and starting up the truck. "I dunno. Somewhere awesome and cool that you've probably already been but I'm taking you there again anyways."

Canada felt a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "You're probably right. And I suppose I don't have a choice in the matter?"

"Nope!" Alfred's voice was sing-songy. "I'm taking you hostage for a day and there's nothing you can do about it!"

Matthew giggled, then brought a hand up to his forehead dramatically. "Oh, I guess I'll have no other choice but to have fun! Woes me, how shall I survive?"

The twins glanced at each other, and burst into uncensored laughter. After a few minutes, they calmed down enough to continue their conversation.

"So, little bro, where are we going, exactly?" he asked, taking his glasses off to scrub the lenses with the hem of his shirt.

"Technically I'm older than you," he shot, before answering. "And I was thinking about maybe going back to Restaurant Arthur"

"The Scone Witch is closed today," he pointed out. "Although that does sound good. What if we went to Fiazza instead?"

"Sounds good my dude." He paused. "Today is gonna be great, I guarantee it."

Matthew rested his head against the back of the seat. "Thanks for coming, Alfie."

"Of course. What kind of brother would I be if I left you alone on the most important day of the year?" he mused.

A genuine smile found its way onto his face, and he sighed​ contentedly.

new chapter every day up to the fourth.

Yes, the scone witch is a real place and I immediately thought of england when i heard it

man the first week of july is busy for these two

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