Smoke Till You Choke

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This is a Fan-Fiction to "Rick and Morty" a very awesome show. It's basically better than Futurama. Even though I miss Futurama but fuck that show now am I right? No? Ah fuck you. (Forgive me for I was younger when I wrote this introduction, what a random jab at a great show. Also 

Rick opens the door and walks into Morty's room

Rick: Morty wake up we gotta go man, stop dreaming about having sex with Jessica. We gotta go on an adventure Morty

Morty: Rick it's Saturday, I'm sleeping can't you just go by yourself?

Rick: See that's the thing Morty I need you to uh. Well, be my lab rat you're gonna be experiencing the side effects Morty I found some *burps* I found some really good weed but it's-it's on another planet

Morty sits up but he can barely stay awake so he falls back to sleep. Rick tries to carry him to the ship but he struggles so he drops him on the floor and pulls out his shrink-ray from his inside pocket and shoots Morty with it making him very small and very easy to carry. Rick puts him in is hand and runs to the garage while he's running down the stairs Morty falls out of his hands and Morty surprisingly lands into Jerry's glass of water as he walks into the living room. Rick slides down the railing and before Jerry puts his lips on the glass...


Jerry: Well excuse me I can't make myself a glass of water? Do you know who pays the bills around here?

Rick: Not you Jerry, that's for fucking sure

While Rick and Jerry are arguing Morty is trying to climb out but he fails to escape so he starts drinking as much water as he can

Morty: HELP!!!

Jerry: I'll have you know that if it wasn't for your daughter you wouldn't be living in this house or going into other worlds with Morty

Rick: For your information Jerry *burps* it's called dimensions what are you fucking 9? This isn't Mario and second of all if it wasn't for me telling you not to drink that water, your son would've been inside you

Jerry: Wait what?

Rick: I said your son is in the fucking glass can't you see him?!

Jerry looks in the glass, sees Morty and freaks out


Rick: Yeah no shit I just fucking said that, what are you like retarded or something? *Burps*

Jerry: You know you're really  ignorant!

Rick: Cause life is not cupcakes and sprinkles Jerry, and soon you'll know that once you get your head out your ass and get a goddamn job to support this family NOW GO GET A JOB BEFORE I-I-I-I MAKE SOMETHING IN THE GARAGE THAT'LL TURN YOU INTO A FUCKING HAMSTER OR SOMETHING!!!

Jerry: You could turn me into a hamster?

Rick pulls out his Shrink-Ray and aims it at Jerry

Rick: I'm not fucking around Jerry, go out and get employed

Jerry: Ok ok jeez!

Jerry runs out the house and gets in the car and takes off. Rick walks to the glass and looks in it and sees Morty swimming around

Rick: How you doing in there Morty? Here grab my pinkie nail

Morty grabs his pinkie nail and Rick pulls him up and puts him in his hand then lays him on the carpet and shoots him with the Shrink-Ray making him regular size again

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