long time, no see

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everywhere you looked in the building, there were strobe lights.
alcoholic beverages.
drunken idiots acting a fool.
sexual acts.
smoke machines.

"umm, don't you think it's a little too provocative here?" you asked, an eyebrow arched; feeling slightly uncomfortable and uneasy.

"ugh, [y/n]! c'mon, go have some fun! grab some drinks, find a few guys! you'll be alright!" your friend yelled.

she was too busy dancing with two complete strangers. they were all over her, and to you, it was extremely cringeworthy to watch.

she was obviously too intoxicated to even stay on a simple subject and keep a conversation going. she thought that taking you to a club would get your mind off of the recent breakup you went through. sadly, it wasn't really working. she was having tons of fun. but, you weren't. every man you laid eyes on would tear your heart to pieces, reminding you of your ex. you wanted to go home, but your friend was your only ride. plus, there was no way in hell she was in any condition to drive.

there you were in the middle of this crowded room, alone in your own little area. you were sitting cross-legged in a bar stool.

you looked absolutely stunning. your long, straight healthy hair ran over your expensive black, strapless dress to the middle of your waste. your dark red lipstick embraced your lips. your makeup was perfectly done without a mistake to be made. your red bottom, four inch heels topped it all off. it wasn't possible for a man to not hit on you.

despite how remarkably appealing you looked, you remained in solitude. rejection was the only thing that came out of your mouth.

you pulled your phone out of your purse and decided to browse through instagram a little bit to kill the boredom you felt inside. you swiped through your page's feed lifelessly.

you had came across a few pictures of your ex-boyfriend with his new girlfriend. he had already moved on. she was beautiful. tall and curvy. a shit load of competition...

you felt your eyes begin to sting with the hot tears rapidly beginning to form. you had negative, depressing thoughts start to run through your mind sporadically. a mascara-filled tear glided slowly down your soft cheek.

right before you could allow a second teardrop to fall, you felt a tap on your shoulder.

you turned around quickly, trying to get a good, complete look at who had tried to get your attention. it was a familiar man.

"[y/n]! wow, how are you? you look great! do you remember me?" he questioned.

you remembered exactly who this man was. his name was peter hernandez. you knew him from the early years of high school and for his musical talents. y'all were really close friends as teenagers. peter had always instructed everybody to call him bruno, though. so, that's what everyone did.

now that bruno is a big time celebrity, it felt honored to get to be able to talk to him again. you wanted to look your best, considering how long it's been since y'all have seen each other and how successful he is now.

you ran your finger across from under your eyes to get rid of any tear trails you may have left. "oh my gosh, hi! it's been so long, bruno!"

bruno smiled and looked you up and down. "man, it really has! time flies! why are you so dressed up?"

"my friend wanted to take me here because i had a break up not too long ago. she's right over there. i'm the only one who's still sober, honestly." you pointed to your friend who was dancing sexually on the dance floor with a whole new group of guys.

"damn, i'm sorry. well, i don't come here often if it makes you feel any better. it's just my best friend's anniversary with his lady, so he decided to take her here for drinks." bruno smiled and pointed to his friend and his woman, phil and urbana.

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