Chapter Five // Rarely So Lazy

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"Why are we walking over here, anyways?" Will asked. "We've already been to the crime scene, and anyways that's pretty far away. I think. St. Bart's is pretty far as well."

"For someone who's known as an incredible empath, you're remarkably dull in these average situations," Sherlock sighed.

"Sherlock!" John exclaimed, somewhat shocked by how he was acting. For the most part, Sherlock seemed to tolerate Will's "inferiority" rather well, but occasionally he would just snap - and he was nothing short of cruel when he snapped.

Luckily, Will didn't seem to mind. He wasn't exactly used to being bashed just for being himself, but he was learning to ignore it. He found that truly it was the only way to get around being with Sherlock.

He most certainly preferred John's company - but it seemed like now that he was back from the honeymoon, Sherlock and him did not split. You would have thought that they had been the two who had gotten married.

"I just want to know why we're walking over here," Will said. "I can't think of anything close by that is of interest."

"Maybe we should just let it go," John sighed. He found that Will and Sherlock bickered almost as much as the latter did with Mycroft.

The thing was, it was difficult to call what Will did bickering. While Sherlock seemed to be up and ready for a fight of sorts at any time, Will just seemed to be raising up shields in order to lower the amount of damage given to him.

"Fine," Sherlock said. "If you really must know, we're here because I'm trying to regain my sense of London."

"Regain your sense of London," Will repeated.

"After being gone for two years, you find that you lose even your basic instincts about a city. I have to get them back. It is absolutely necessary for my line of work."

John and Will shared a look - neither one was quite sure why they had to be there in order for Sherlock to be able to process London better. Unfortunately enough for them, they just had to keep going along with it all. There was nothing else they could really do.

"How far are we from Baker Street?" Will asked.

"Far enough that we're going to need to hire a car," John answered. "We'll probably be able to head back soon. At least, I hope."

"John, no need to fret over any of this. I know how impatient you get when it comes to mundane things like this, but -"

"Sherlock, it doesn't matter. Will and I will make it through this," John replied, sighing slightly. "It won't be very enjoyable, mind you, but we'll make it through it."

The trio continued on in near silence for a little longer, until suddenly Will stopped in his tracks. He had met eyes with another man walking along the street, causing his face to light up with shocked recognition. This man was none other than Hannibal Lecter. They made their way to one another in order to speak.

"Dr. Lecter?" Will asked. "You're here in London, too?"

"Why yes, I am," Hannibal replied. "I must admit, it is quite a surprise to be seeing you here. I've had some business to take care of in the area."


"Family affairs, Will. I'm sure you must be able to sympathesise with that."

Will nodded slightly, the moment of thought allowing him to remember that he had two companions that Hannibal had never met before. He had to continue to be aware of his manners, after all. He wouldn't want to do anything to displease Dr. Lecter, who was one of the most polite people he knew.

Devils in the DetailsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora