Chapter Twelve // The Jilted Ones

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Will woke up with a start in the morning, his eyes popping open and the light immediately burning his pupils. He was tempted to shut them up once again and just try go back to sleep, but he decided that he'd be completely unable to fall asleep after waking up. It was far too bright outside for that. Besides, there was already too much inside of his mind for him to just sleep again.

Of course, when he looked over to his side, he almost wished he could just fall asleep again and postpone from those moments from ending. Molly was still fast asleep beside him - he just hoped that she didn't have work that day because she would likely be late. The sun had risen significantly already in the sky, so Will wasn't surprised when he glanced at a clock to see that it was already 8:43 in the morning.

After releasing a quick yawn, he started making his way out of bed. Molly shifted around slightly with this change in her surroundings, making Will think that she was about to wake up. He wanted everything to be perfect for her, as perfect as he could make it - so he'd try making her breakfast. Cooking wasn't exactly his thing, but he would try for her.

Dear Molly. In the gentle morning sunlight, she was illuminated like some sort of ethereal being. The light streamed through the flyaways in her hair, making it look like she had a golden halo surrounding her head. In that moment, she was nothing short of an angel. She was a perfect little angel about to rise from a fulfilling sleep. That was all he could ever hope for.

Will found himself reaching out to gently stroke her cheek with the side of his hand. She didn't react to it, but his lips turned up at the feel of her skin against his own. Last night had been the best sleep he had gotten in what seemed to be forever, and that was all with Molly beside him.

As he stared down at her adoringly, he couldn't help but think about how soft she was underneath his hand. She was soft and warm like those cats she loved so much. Just like those cats, she was fragile, too. Molly certainly on the smaller side, and she didn't have much of any muscle on her.

She was so breakable in so many ways - her past had given her moments of emotional breakage, that much was for sure, but she seemed like she could easily be physically broken as well. While she could collect her feelings and become stronger from her experiences, she would have difficulty recovering from a physical injury. Will could tell.

Will felt himself wondering what it would be like to break her. First, her skin - so warm and soft against his fingertips. Then, she would snap underneath his power like a twig. She wouldn't stand a chance. He could look over to her and see her with blood running down her face. Her blood - warmer than wine, thicker than water, staining everything.

She might look angelic in the morning light, but how would the bright crimson affect that glimmer? Will knew, the image was clear within his mind. In fact, it was far more than just an image. He could feel it. It was so close to being reality, so close, too close-

"Will?" Molly's groggy voice cut through Will's thoughts like a shard of glass. "Will, what time is it?" When he didn't respond, she tossed herself over to look at the clock.

"Oh, God, it's a quarter to nine already...I need to get ready..." She turned back around, ready to apologise. She found, however, that Will had already turned away from her, just enough so that he couldn't look to her. "Will? something wrong?"

"Leave me, Molly," he said.

"I'm sorry, what?" Molly asked, her eyelashes batting gently as she blinked in confusion. "I didn't quite hear you there."

"Leave me," Will repeated, this time a bit louder. He refused to turn to her and meet her eyes. He didn't think he would able to handle such a thing. "Just leave here while you can, leave me."

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