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Date - 3 July 2017
Subject - Angry

You have a lot of explanation to give and questions to answer when you come back. While the rest of the world is busy appreciating you on a what a great husband you are and counting my luck, let me just show this note you left me with, sticked on the refrigerator. It says, 'Going to save the world. Would be back after 2 months.' Who do you think you are? A superhero! The note gives me the feel of the lead lady in the superhero movies waiting for their date to come but he never shows up as he is busy beating the shit out of the villians. Don't you dare laugh after reading this email.
You were supposed to be in the stadium cheering me for my international match.
You promised me that you won't miss it this time whatever may come. But something did come..... This was supposed to be your holiday and family time.
I am warning you , if you don't call me or write back to me , you won't see the sun rising after two months.
Your angry wife,
As it's a short story and chapters are small, I will update after three days....
Thanks for reading.......

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