One - Breaking Point

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"Oh my God Gee!" I exclaimed happily as I swung the front door closed behind me. "Gee."

"I'm in the bathroom!" He yelled back at me loudly, so I kicked off my shoes at the door and emptied my keys and wallet from my pockets before heading into the bedroom.

"I have news when you're done." I called to him as I unbuttoned my shirt turning to the wardrobe to hang it up. I was surprised to see Gerard's suitcase and a large bag packed on the floor next to the wardrobe, when I opened the wardrobe Gerard's side was significantly emptier than I remembered it being that morning.

"Come tell me now."

"Uh no, it-it can wait its important, happy news."

We were in no way a shy couple, I mean we were young adult men, just because he was taking a shit didn't mean I didn't use the bathroom and vice versa. He'd often come back from work and I'd be in the shower, so he'd sit on the toilet and talk to me until I was done. Or one of us would be on the toilet and the other would sit on the side of the bath and talk to the other.


"Hey Gee?" I bit my lip and sat down on the bed staring at the suitcases with my eyebrows furrowed and my mind wondering, there were a few reason why they could be there and some of them I really didn't want to consider.

"What Frank? I'm just coming." He sounded frustrated and pissed off and it automatically worried me, he was rarely like this unless something was wrong and I hated to think I might have fucked something up.

"I was just- um, why is there," I stared at my phone which I had just put on the nightstand by the bed. "Why is your suitcase packed?"

"Yeah um," the bathroom door swung open to Gerard fully dressed and looking rather unhappy, "I- I have to talk to you too."

"Yeah okay," I smiled happily at him, my smile fading away when he stared at me his expression barely changing still a little unhappy and beginning to look guilty. "You first."

"No you go first I- it could be a long conversation so you first." He smiled weakly and briefly sitting down next to me on the bed as I turned to look at him, more worried with every minute that went on.

"No, um, I'm worried now. You first." I smiled again trying harder to keep that smile on my face in the hopes he might smile back at me.

"Frank we have some issues." He started his eyes immediately leaving mine and looking down at his lap uncomfortably. "Um we- there's some things that I don't think are working."

"Woah! Wait what are you saying?" I gasped trying to smile just screwing my eyes shut and convincing myself I was interpreting everything he was saying very wrong. "Come on I mean that happens in every couple we've made it over three years Gee."

"Frank, listen to me. It's not that we can't fix it it's that- well I need to-" He took another deep breath and sighed, eventually he turned to look at me again and grabbed my hand interlocking his fingers with mine. "You're not pulling your weight Frank."


"Don't act stupid Frankie." He sighed staring at me and looking pretty pissed off as he held my hand trying to be affectionate.

"Hey don't fuck me up here. Don't 'Frankie' me and squeeze my hand whilst you're fucking me over." I sighed screwing my eyes shut and pulling my hand out from between his turning away from him.

"Come on Frank, don't be like that, I'm just saying that this can't go on forever."

"It's not going to; Gerard I'm twenty for fucks sake. I'm sorry that I don't have a top end job paying me fifty pounds an hour, but I've only just fucking left school."

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