Pink Sparkles and her magic

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~Pink Sparkles's pov~

My eyes flutter open, just to see darkness everywhere around me. I seemed to be in a tube of some sort, but the outside was to dark for me to see anything. There were no lights, inside or outside of the tube. I raise my hoof to the glass but it wouldn't move, then a strange bright light in the shape of a rectangle appeared then disappeared. I saw a dark figure approach me and I tried to show them that I'm afraid but I couldn't move. Then I started to fall slowly to the bottom of the tube when I reached the bottom I fell unconcious.

I open my eyes and I see I am in another dark room, or it seemed that way. When I looked around I saw I was in a corner that was darkened for me. I got up off of the bed and headed to the end of the darkened corner. Then I couldn't move, like I couldn't go into the brightened room. Then I felt a slight tingle on my head and I look into a nearby mirror to see I have a horn and it's glowing. I also have shiny magenta fur, dark red eyes, and my mane and tail are purple with pink streaks. Then my horn brightened then popped, when the smoke cleared my mane was tangled and covered in soot. I have no clue what just happened or how it happened all I know is that everyone in the room is staring at me. I crawl backwards and hide under my bed.

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