Flutter Dash's First Experiences

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After my encounter with that peculiar blue pony I decided to thoroughly search the room to find a way out. There were two sets of reflective metal doors one set at each end ofthe room. I walked up to it and saw a blurry version of myself turquoise with orange hair. Then I realized the doors did not open from this side. I started to panic and bang my hooves on the doors. "Let me out!" I yelled frantically as I beat my hooves on the door until they began to turn red and sore. "I give up!" I shouted, I fell to the floor and started to bawl. It was then I snapped into a trance like state, like I was being controlled words came out of my mot like a faucet "No hope, no faith, only disapointment and remorse. I should just give up now and stay here forever.". That was not me I thought but could not speak. The same blue foal from before appeared out of nowhere and said in a harsh tone "I am glad you agree with me Flutter Dash." I just stood there and trembled how did this horrofying foal know what I assumed to be my name? "You will stay here forever with me.". I gathered all my strength and yelled "No I will NOT stay here with YOU!!!" I charged at her but she dissappeared as quickly as she appeared. Exhausted physically and mentally I climbed into the bed I woke up in, hoping to awake somewhere more peaceful.

I dreamed of something sweet. I had a loving family that sent me to school everyday with a homemade lunch and told me they loved no matter what all the time. Suddenly I was jerked from my sleep by a thud on my right side, I awoke to find myself on the floor next to my bed but I was not in the same room as before this was plain white with one door and a large mirror. I checked the door to see if it was unlocked.Suprise, suprise it was locked. "Hello is anyone there?" I asked. I was confused if no one was there then who moved my bed? I tried to entertain myself playing number games, but I just couldn't concentrate. I could not let go of the fact I felt like I was being watched...

Suddenly interupting my thoughts a voice came from the intercom on the ceiling. The voice kept talking about performing observations on me and to act natural at the end of its message it said "We hope for your cooperation" whatever that means. Then a slot in the wll opened up and there were toys. Blocks, a puzzle, and a ball. The intercom came on again and told me to interact with given items, so I did I built an ellaborate block building, bounced the ball to where it would come back to me everytime, and I solved the puzzle with ease but what did all this acomplish, it certainly was not getting me out of here any faster so I yelled "Why am I here?!". "All will be answered in time." a voice from the other side of the glass said. I looked all over the mirror but could not see anyone I felt more alone than ever. "Why am I alone?" I whispered to myself.

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