Beach Life

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      At my grandfather beach house for the Fourth of July.  So that means pool, where's Waldo hunt all around the beach, and trying to resist crossing the state line to buy illegal fireworks.  One of my sister's got a fidget spinner that lights up when you spin it.  I also got a super cute anklet and we've only been here 7 hours.  Most likely got to stay till Wednesday 'cause fireworks on the beach are on the Fourth.  Just got yelled at for bending my sister charger.  My other sister is on our ever loving nerves.  Honestly making me think I have anger issues.  Maybe I should of asked for the down stairs bedroom kinda regretting not getting it.

  Maybe I should of asked for the down stairs bedroom kinda regretting not getting it

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The blue and gold is the one I just got I've had the green one for a while.
     Hey Cookieeaternom if your still in Canada hope you have fun.  If your back in the U.S how was it?  Thank you very much for the socks can't wait to see them.  We are going to roast marshmallows and make s'more.  I like it down here because you can see the stars super well not that much light.  Unfortunately I think it is suppose to be cloudy which sucks I wanted to see how
many consolations I could remember.  Maybe tomorrow night after the pool.  Don't know how much I'm going to post the wifi usually is really poor because you have so many people using it at once but it's not that bad.  The reason I think this is is that it's only me, my mom, my sisters, and my grandfather.  It is like this because his girlfriend daughter broke up with her boyfriend and he went completely psycho so, now she's camping in Maine with a new boyfriend.  His girlfriend is dealing with her daughter's slashed tires from crazy person above and the other daughter just got a beach house around Easter.  So just us.  Looked out side it got real cloudy real fast so no stargazing shame really.

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