What has changed

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Regina ran after the mystery girl wondering how in the world any of them could have been involved with her father's death.
" Mystery girl wait up! How could we been apart of your father's death?" asked Regina.
" I don't have to answer to you. You have not done another challenge, and plus it's not the next day, so you can't." stated mystery girl.
" Yes you do! I need to know how the hell you think we were involved with your father's death." screamed Regina.
Just as Regina said that the mystery girl turned bright red with anger.
" NO, NO I DON'T! Regina you have already ruined enough of my life. I definitely don't have to explain a thing to you, but I am willing to let you get a chance to find information about all of this. And Regina I want to make one thing clear to you, I HATE YOU! And will always hate you for what you did to me and my father." Shouted mystery girl.
Then the mystery girl ran away and left Regina standing there with confusion and sadness on her face over the mystery girl. Regina decided to take a long walk to clear her head and think who her father might be and how she could have been part of his death. She quickly realized that she was responsible for many of people's death, and that list could be almost endless. But there was one thing that didn't make sense to her, how could everyone else be responsible for his death too? So she decided to catch up with everyone else to try to see if they were responsible for anyone's death. She made her way to Granny's dinner after she called everyone to tell them to meet her there.
" I called everyone here today to talk about the same thing we have been having to deal with for the past couple of days, the mystery girl." said Regina.
" Okay, what is it this time Regina." asked Charming.
" I found out that she hates me for ruining her life and thinks that we ALL are responsible for her father's death." stated Regina.
" We ALL are responsible for her father's death? wondered Snow.
" Yes, that's the question I keep asking myself, how could we all be responsible for it." commented Regina.
" Yes that is most peculiar that we all are responsible for his death, but if we don't know who he was, then why should we be concerned about it?" asked Emma.
" Because if she has all this information about all of us she can use it against us some how, and plus who knows what she is capable of if we do not do what she wants." stated Regina.
" Okay, true, so what do we do about it?" wondered Emma.
" I think we should just keep doing these challenges, and doing what she wants, so we can get more information. And just maybe we can figure out all this crazy stuff and try to fix it." suggested Snow.
Everyone basically just looked at each other nodded yes, so since it's been about 24 hours since the last challenge they went to go ask for a new one. Of course they all went back to the alley way to go find the mystery girl and ask her for a new challenge.
" Mystery girl we are here and I am ready for a new challenge!" yelled Regina.
Then the mystery girl appeared out of no where like usual.
" Yes, may I help you guys." said mystery girl.
" I want another challenge for more information please." asked Regina.
" Okay, but this one I want all of you guys to do it. I want you guys to go find a monster that was attacking the merry men, but then found its way over here. I want you to go kill it and rip out its heart and bring it back to me for my collection." pledged mystery girl.
Everyone looked extremely shocked and was thinking that, that sounded like something the evil queen would want.
" Okay we shall take your challenge. Where does this monster hide?" asked Regina.
" He hides in the middle of the forest where power dwells most in Storybrooke." said mystery girl.
" So the well because that's where Rumplestiltskin poured in that mixture and brought back magic to Storybrooke." stated Snow.
The mystery girl gave them a nodded and they headed off to find the monster in the forest. When they got to the well they saw no sign of a monster, but then as they looked some more and this huge monster appeared out of thin air. He was 25ft tall, 10 razor sharp claws on each hand, extremely hairy, and a mouth as large as a whole hippopotamus. He had magic on his side too. He could shoot fireballs from his hands, eyes, and feet. Before they did anything he gave this gigantic roar that shuck the whole ground.
" So does anyone know how to defeat this thing?" asked Killian.
" No that little brat never told us how to." stated Emma.
" Then we are just going to have to wig this one." said Charming.
So they all got out their weapons and started to fight this monster. Even with all five of them, they were no match for this monster. They would come at it from all side and still get through back against a tree. The monster would throw a fireball and they would barely miss it. They would go for an attack and even if they hit him nothing would happen. First the monster threw a fireball at Regina, then Snow came in from the side with her bow and arrow, but she was thrown backwards and hit her head on a tree and was knocked out. Then Charming came in to go help Snow, but as he was doing that the monster roared and Charming went flying through the air and ended up at the top of a tree. As both of her parents went down Emma came in and tried to help them, then got blasted with a fireball when she was not looking where she was going and only concerning herself with her parents injuring. But as Emma went down of course Killian couldn't just stand there and fight while his love was hurt. So he came in to help Emma and was picked up by the monster and thrown through the forest. As the monster was about to get Emma again, Regina threw a fireball, which made him turn around and focus on her. As she kept throwing them and he kept dodging them, Regina found herself backed up into a corner and the monster about to step on her. But as she was about to die, the monster was blasted by a beam so powerful that he died instantly. Once the monster died it turned out to be the mystery girl who shot the beam that save Regina's life.
" You shot that beam?" wondered Regina.
" Yeah I did. Your welcome." said mystery girl.
" Thank you, but why I thought you hated me?" asked Regina.
" Listen, I still hate you, but this is not the way I want my revenge on you. And plus no person in their right mind would let anyone else kill the kind of person you are to me." stated mystery girl.
" What am I to you?" wondered Regina.
" That's something for another time, but I did you one favor and that's it. I must be going now, so you better take your gift at a second chance of life and use it well." said mystery girl. Then puffed her way out of there.
" It makes so much more sense now that I know that she has magic." stated Regina.
Regina slowly grabbed all the gang and told them what happened and who saved her. Everyone was very surprised, but now knew that this little mystery girl has some good in her and they just need to find it and more information about the Robin situation.
              " What are we suppose to do now?" asked Snow.
              " Find out why she would save me. She said something about no person in their right mind would kill the type of person I am to her. What is that suppose to mean?" wondered Regina.
              " I think we are going to need more information about her past to figure out what you are to her." stated Emma.
After their short conversation we find our story at Mr. Gold's pawn shop. The little bell on the door rang and someone walked in.
              " Well I sure didn't expect you to walk through my door after what had just happened today. Is there a real problem or did you go soft." said Mr. Gold.
              " I didn't go soft. I simply just saved her life." explained the mystery girl.
              " But saving the life of the person you hate the most sounds like softness to me." stated Mr. Gold.
              " I still need her and that's not the way I want her to go out, so to finish my plans I need her alive." said mystery girl.
              " But saving her life from a monster you made. You could have made his death look like an accident, but no you let them see that you saved her, which do I even have to remind you looks weak. So now how do you suppose you fix this weakness you just created? You don't know, so you came to me to fix your problems because you are weak." sated Mr. Gold.
               " Shut up, you have no right to call someone weak. You are one of the most cowardice people I know." said mystery girl with some fire.
Then Mr. Gold started to choke her with magic just as Belle came through the door.
               " Rumple! STOP! She is just a little girl. I am sure she hasn't done anything that bad to deserve this treatment." pledged Belle.
As soon as Belle said that Rumple stopped choking the mystery girl and set her down on the floor.
               " Thank you so much Bookworm." said mystery girl.
               " Wait, how do you know the nickname Regina calls me? wondered Belle.
               " She knows everyone in town that she wants to. All the people she says was involved with her father's death." stated Rumple.
               " Okay, so Rumple do you know who her father is?" asked Belle.
               " I do, but that would take all the fun out of the game she is playing, plus we have a deal. And you always know I am a man of my word and keep my deals." stated Rumple.
               " But they are all looking for answers and you know them. I believe you should tell them, and because I also agreed to help them." said Belle.
               " Belle dearie, this is all about Regina, if anyone should figure this out and know the answers it's her." explained Rumple.
The mystery girl nodded yes to the explanation Rumple just gave Belle.
                " So all the answers lye within Regina's knowledge?" asked Belle.
                " Yes they do. Well the answers not about me, she will have to complete challenges to get that information." stated mystery girl.
                " So I now have more information I can report back to them." said Belle.
                " I suppose you do." commented mystery girl.
So then Belle ran out of the door and to the Charming's apartment. Once she got to the apartment she slammed the door open and everyone was shocked that she did that.
" Belle what do I owe this visit?" asked Snow.
" Well you see I found out that the mystery girl said all the answers besides stuff about her lye within Regina's knowledge, and Rumple knows all about it." stated Belle.
" So why don't we get him to tell us?" wondered Charming.
" Because I am afraid it's a bit more complicated than just trying to get Rumple to tell us the truth. There will still be lots of questions we don't have the answers to and we will have to complete her wicked challenges to get the full puzzle." said Belle.
" Yeah like why the hell that little girl would ever save me." commented Regina.
" So if all the answers lye within Regina. We can take all the knowledge we have and at least come up with something." stated Charming.
" Maybe." Snow said optimistic.
So they all headed downtown to the library where they thought would be a better place to think and gather all their information and thoughts they have. When they got there guess who was there waiting for them with another challenge, you know it, mystery girl.
" Well, look who it is, my favorite group of heroes." said mystery girl very sarcastically.
" Great, what do you want now?" asked Regina.
" Well since you asked I would like to give you another challenge since it has been about a day and you didn't complete the last task." stated mystery girl.
" Okay what is it this time, and may I just add if it's going to be another insane challenge like last time you will need to give a lot of new information." demanded Regina.
" Alright then, if you complete this last task successfully I will speed up what I am going to use you for and tell you my reasoning of coming to Storybrooke." stated mystery girl.
The whole room looked shocked, but before they said anything they knew they needed to find out what it is that Regina needs to do.
" What will I need to do?" wondered Regina.
" All you will need to do is make a simple choice." said mystery girl.
" What kind of choice?" asked Snow.
" You will need to make a choice either to kill me or Robin." said mystery girl.
Then the mystery girl puffed up Robin Hood. The whole room was surprised and confused.
" Wait, is he really here?" asked Regina.
" That's impossible Hades killed him." stated Emma.
" This can't happen, it's some trick." said Charming.
" It might be a trick or it might not be. You can never truly know." stated mystery girl.
" Regina! It's me, Robin Hood. I am alive and my heart is still beating for your love."
Regina had a look of happiness and terror on her face on being confused if he is real or not.
" I am going to keep him with me for awhile." said mystery girl.
Then she puffed chains on him and grabbed a strong hold on the chains.
" If you don't make a decision on who you are going to kill in the next 24 hours I will kill Robin again and go on with all my plans with never telling you a thing. I won't even tell you if you do the most dangerous challenge known to creation. And if you choose me, you will regret it the rest of your life because I will make sure Rumple is here to tell what he knows and you will never get the same chance you have always wanted again. Plus you don't know if Robin is real or fake, but do you really want to kill your true love? Good luck on your decision, choose wisely." said mystery girl.
The mystery girl puffed away and left Regina with this huge decision that she has no idea what to do. The whole gang just look at Regina like, what are you going to do? All Regina could do for the moment was leave her jaw open wide in shock.

To be continued..........

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