Chapter 1: Sleepless

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The air was crisp with an autumn chill cold enough to melt the frozen bones of summer like the wax of a box of melted crayons. I watched as the sun dissipated behind the tall spiny silhouette of the ever-green trees. Vermont was always beautiful this time of year. Shelburne, Vermont was my home town, located on the shores of Lake Champlain, and just outside of Burlington lived and thrived our sleepy little town. The hollow was an array of endless colors with the maple trees and their ever-changing hues of red, orange, and yellow alike. Every single nook and cranny of Shelburne shouted the warm threat of winter in its premature wake.

I sighed looking out over the front porch as I pulled my burgundy colored shawl tighter around me, tugging it closer around the shoulders. At times, it seemed as if the world its self might stop turning and even so the inevitable frigidness of winter was just around the corner. The atmosphere was quiet all accept for the steady rattle and hum of the moving van across the street.

I eyed the van curiously watching as an older couple assisted the movers as they walked up the steps and into the house. I sighed again turning away from the rail of the balcony and turned the door knob crossing the threshold to my house. The house that would never again be a home. I pulled my arms tighter around me watching silently as the door slammed itself, wincing quietly as I watched the sky beginning to fade into a deep pale blue as the night began to settle into the clouds.

"God damn it Annalise! I told you not to slam that fucking door!" I screamed in fear my body jolting profusely as my older brother, Jacek slammed my face into the door by the back of my neck.

"Jacek stop it! Let me go!" I yelled forcing his back against the wall with a violent shove, the force of the push sent me backwards as I hit the floor with my lip busted and nose bloody. Jacek laughed sadistically shoving me to the floor with the force of his cleat all but shattering my collar bone again.

"... Jacek please stop..." I begged tears streaming down my face as my breath dragged hoarsely in heavy heaving sobs, coughing loudly as he kicked me harder in the ribs.

"Fucking whore next time I'll kill you."

I barely heard the threat over my rampant breathing and the sound of my heart hammering loudly in my ears. I laid there motionless until I heard his car pulling out of the driveway, before quietly walking to the bathroom.

I locked the door turning on the squeaky shower faucet and closed the shower curtain unable to advert my eyes from the blood tainted water pooling at my feet.

How many more nights of this until he killed me. I thought watching the bloody water drip from the tips of my hair.

How many more beatings.

How many more incest miscarriages.

How many more rapes.

A countless symphony of numbers swirling tirelessly in my head. I sunk to the floor pulling my knees up to my chest and began sobbing quietly into my lap.


Hi guys this is a collaboration between me and My best friend @rrreaganbutler so please make sure you guys check her out! We hope you enjoy Muwahh!!

(Girl above is Annalise but if you dont like her imagine whoever you want!)

Sleepless In VermontWhere stories live. Discover now