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i met him in 9th grade, oh he was so charming with his swaying words and nice smile that's how he got me, he was a lady's man.

he was cute nice skin, perfect waves on his head but oh he was so deceiving, he called me beautiful, me beautiful he was crazy dude, but oh, did i love him. i try to make myself forget how much i actually do love him.

he was my release and i was his too, we talked every night, he let me vent and be myself he made me comfortable to be myself even thought i wasn't comfortable with myself. he told me about his problems and made me promise to always be there, i never broke that promise, but he did.

he loved me or well i thought he did, he always told me he did and i believed him.

i wish it was true though, because only if he knew how much i loved him.

but things change, and my love turned into hate, well i wished it did.

oh how i hate him.

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