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"it's called sadness, and its the emotion i feel when i'm up at 2 o'clock in the morning thinking about you. i feel this emotion often, because i think of you often. i wish i didn't care so much about you. but i do."

it was 2 in the morning, i had school in the morning a was currently a junior. i saw him everyday i school he acted like he didn't know me. i acted like it didn't hurt and i was fine with it but it hurt. i still get the i love yous and don't break the promise text, and as much as i want to break the promise i can't. i can't bring myself to do it.

i loved him, it burned my chest to think about it.

all my friends tell me that we're toxic and ik that but i was in denial. 

we were both athletes we ran on our schools track team and on the same aau team. it sucked think about having to see someone all day everyday that you hated, well wanted to hate.

how could you love someone you hate so much, its impossible right?

All the poetry above was written by me hope you enjoyed.

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