you're laugh.

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You're laugh. It's adorkable and I love it because it shows that you're enjoying yourself. The first time I told you a flirty joke you actually laugh and got what I what I meant, It made me happy. No one rarely laughs at my jokes but sometimes when I'm not even trying maybe because I spilling my sexual frusration. Wow, I'm actually telling you about a bit of my sexual frusration. Why don't I just stop saying sexual frUSRATION? Anyways, You laugh a lot and I love that so much. I love seeing you happy and enjoying a laugh. It's absolutely adorable and watching you laugh till you almost cry is priceless. This isn't that long but still you get it? c:

Ooh, taking this time to tell you a joke!

Are you a rainstrom?

Because you sure know how to make me wet.

Eh? Eh? c;

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