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I flicked the finished cigarette butt on to the wet grass as I walked side by side with Ronnie towards my car.

I couldn't help but keep my gaze at the house we were approaching.

There was a girl, about my age? Maybe a little younger. She had beautiful long dark brown hair, it was so long it was touching her perky butt that bounced with every delicate step she took. She didn't notice me as she slowly tippy toed barefoot towards a bush of roses with a pair of scissors. I watched as she knelt down, starting to nip away at the roses.

"Justin!" Ronnie slapped my arm. For a second I forgot what we were doing or where we were going. I looked over at him with a raise of an eyebrow, waiting for him to speak.

He looked at me and looked over at where my attention was and rolled his eyes. "I've been calling your name for like two minutes. Please for ONCE stop getting distracted by a walking vagina and focus on why we're here for!" I clenched my jaw. Who the fuck gave HIM the right to talk to me like that. "Don't fucking tell me what to do Ronnie! I never once screwed up any of my missions! Don't tell me how to fucking do my job."

Ronnie rolled his eyes but didn't dare to argue back, he knew better. "Whatever listen, while we're in the neighbourhood wanna go see turner? I need to pick up some weed." I wanted to go but as creepy as it may sound, watching the brunette repunzel sounded a lot more interesting to me. "Nah, you go on ahead. I'll wait in the car." My eyes quickly darted to the golden skinned beauty before me and Ronnie rolled his eyes which pissed me off. "Don't fucking take too long Ronnie or I swear to fucking god I'm leaving your dumbass so your ass can fucking walk home." I finished as I spat on the ground keeping my eyes locked on him to make sure he knew that I wasn't fucking playing around. I smoothly climbed into my black Porsche Cayenne and watched as Ronnie quickly nod and start jogging towards turners house.

I thought by now the girl had gotten her roses and had went back in the house but I was confused as I watched her nip all the dead roses instead of the actual roses that were well....alive. What the fuck was she doing? She got up with a satisfied look on her face and kept doing that to all the other plants in the little garden.

At one point, I watched as she almost trip over absolutely nothing. Actually, I think she tripped over her own foot. I felt the corner of my mouth twitch. Clumsy little thing.

It's been over good ten minutes and Ronnie was still not back yet, I would have left his ass two minutes into waiting, but thanks to the unknown beauty before my eyes, I didn't wanna leave.

I couldn't keep my eyes off of her, she wasn't even doing anything special just walking around watering her plants with an adorable smile as she loving stared down at the blossoms that were staring right back at her. It's weird but the flowers she was gently touching seemed almost a way, they are alive know what I mean. It was as if they were happy to see her.

After few seconds, out of nowhere she started to cough, the coughs turned so severe she dropped to her knees as she let the watering can drop and clutch at her chest. I quickly opened my door to get out and help her, I don't know why but I wanted to help her. Why was I acting like this. Then as I was about to approach her, the front door opened and I instinctively took couple steps back as a women that seemed to be in her late forties came running down the stairs screaming "Nelum! Baby what are you doing out here!" I stopped and watched as I supposed was her mother bend down and grab the girl by her shoulders to help her stand up.

The girl weakly stood up on shaky legs and coughed a bit more. "Mom please..." she whispered in such a gentle voice I could barely hear her. "I'm fine, let me just water my plants and I'll go back inside. Don't worry" her mom looked at her and wiped the bit of sweat forming on her daughter's forehead. "Baby you don't look too well, should we take you to the doctor?" The girl shook her head no and gently pushed her mom away.

I felt like I was intruding so I slowly backed up and opened my door to get back in the car, but the girl's head snapped towards me and I froze.

In all of my twenty three years on this earth, I've never seen such sad, lifeless, yet alluring eyes. It almost made me wanna weep in pain. The pain those beautiful eyes were trying to express. I swallowed thickly unable to look away. The girl blinked a few times and quickly looked away from my gaze.

Her mom grabbed her hand with a pleading look in her eyes. They both seem to be having a silent conversation as they stared at one another. After a few seconds of silence, the girl let out a defeated sigh . "I wish you'd stop treating me like I'm made of glass" she murmured as she shook her moms hands off and walked back into the house. Her mom quick to follow close behind as if her daughter would explode into million pieces and she had to be close by to catch every piece.

The whole interaction was weird, I didn't understand any of it, but I didn't have a long time to dwell too much on it as I saw Ronnie quickly running up the sidewalk. He opened the passenger side door and quickly sat down, looking at me sheepishly.

"What the fuck took you so long?? Did you two fucking grow and harvested the fucking drug before you fucking bought it?" I spat as I glared at Ronnie. Who quickly looked away from me, I hate when people do that. Specially men, grow a pair and look me in the eye while speaking to me. I hate weak people. You can't be in this business if you can't even look somebody in the eye before talking. "Sorry Justin. He wouldn't shut up....and-" I rolled my eyes "don't give me that bullshit! Always with the fucking excuses." I turned the car on and swerved out of the parking lot, quickly taking one last glance at the house, hoping to catch one last peek of the mysterious beauty. I looked up as I thought I saw a face in one of the upper bedroom windows and I was not disappointed as I locked eyes with those same sad orbs looking right at me from what I assumed was her bedroom window. Her eyes widened and cheeks heated as our eyes locked, she quickly dropped to her knees to hide from me. I couldn't help but let out a low chuckle, did she think I wouldn't see her trying to hide from me? So darn cute.

I drove away with a smile on my face knowing that she was as affected by me as I was of her.

Too bad I'll never see her again, that thought made me frown.

Or so I thought

Hey guys so before you read this story please know that this is my very first story. I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing 💀😂 so please be nice. I know there's probably a lot of grammar problems and a bunch of messy paragraphs. I'm writing this story to better my writing, like I really don't wanna give up bc I suck. I have so many great ideas, I just need to learn how to write stories better before I put those ideas to use. So bare with me 😭

Thank you for reading rats

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