Three Thirty AM

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Chapter 2

I flickered my lighter on and off as I stared at the digital clock in my car. Three in the fucking morning, I threw the lighter onto the dashboard and rubbed my face with my hands before exhaling loudly.

I was beyond frustrated but then again, when am I not?

"What the fuck is taking them so long Rafael....I've been waiting for almost three fucking hours. I don't make them wait, so why the fuck are THEY making ME wait."

Rafael exhaled smoke from the almost burnt out blunt and stood straight from leaning against my car. "I know how you feel man, I really do. But you know how risky these things are. Maybe they got caught by the border patrol. Even though I highly doubt that, our boys are the best of the best. They never fail."

I exhaled as I waited for the phone call. I guess you can say that I'm an impatient man. It's not so much that I'm impatient, I just don't like wasting my time.

With the three hours that I've wasted playing the waiting game, I could've done something more productive like driving by that girl's block on purpose, with the hopes of catching a glimpse of her.

I exhaled as I threw my legs down from the dashboard. "Fuck this! I'm gonna head back to my office and get some paperwork done. These goons are wasting my fucking time." I started up the car and Rafael reached for the passenger side door but I hit the lock real quick. He threw me a confused look as I pulled out a cigarette, putting it to my lips and lighting it up.

I needed to calm my nerves.

I exhaled as I pointed at Rafael, "Since you trust those idiots so much, YOU stay here and waste your damn time. You know since they are "the best of the best" so I'm sure you wouldn't mind waiting all morning." I mocked. I took another drag of my cigarette as Rafael scowled at me. "If I stay here another minute, I'm gonna lose my fucking mind. So keep an eye out. Call me as soon as those imbeciles give you the heads up. I need to have a little chat with them about time management sine they clearly never learned it at school." He quickly nodded as I pulled my car out of the parked space.

The thought of going back to my office to do paperwork made my eye twitch in annoyance. But since I wasted my working hours getting my dick wet by some random chick, I had to make up for it and get my shit done now.

I threw the finished cigarette out the opened window and reached for another only to come in contact with the empty pack. I groaned.

This day just keeps getting worse and worse.

Thirty minutes into my drive, I was nearing the mysterious girls block again.

If I continued to drive straight up, her house would pop up a few blocks down.

I pulled up to a 7/11 on the side of the road and hopped out of my car.

Had to buy a few packs of cigarettes before heading to my office and starting on the very boring job of filing out documents.

Maybe a cup of coffee would be a necessity too. God knows I'm gonna need as much caffeine and nicotine as I can get. I don't function well in the early mornings, but since my job requires me to be out late into the nights, I'm pretty much used to it.

Although being used to it, don't mean I'm okay with it.

I twirled the keys in my pointer finger as I pushed through the glass doors, nodding at the cashier who was a regular customer of mine.

Usually I would stroll straight down to the cashier, pay for my cigarettes and go. But right now, I really needed some coffee and 7/11 coffee wasn't all that bad.

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