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Hi guys, 

So this is officially my first attempt at a fantasy book. I've just come back from living in the Middle East and I was so inspired by it. The culture, the history and mythology. 

I got to live in the most amazing place. It was so surreal, and strange and a completely magical feeling place. I lived in an apartment inside one of the old souq's (market place) 

I wish I could describe adequately how magical it all felt. With it's thin, dark, winding alleyways that were built hundreds of years ago. I would walk my son to the school bus in the morning and the souq would be empty and abandoned, and we would walk through old, dark tunnels and down thin alleyways through the marketplace. It was here, when I was walking one day, that I started thinking about this book. I wanted to try and capture the magic, and intrigue and mystique of the place.  I used to go walking through all the tunnels at night too when they were empty and abandoned and it was very creepy- in a good way. 

I'm not sure how quickly I will update, I hope to enter it into the Watty's, but I'm not sure I'll finish. My priority is to complete ACTING BADLY, which will be done soon. 

Anyway, here it is, and I'll post some pictures of my inspiration for those of you who don't know what a souq looks like, you can get a better idea. 

Although this book is based on a place and certain myths and legends, it is completely made up and I've taken a lot of liberty with everything. It is fantasy afterall. 

Enjoy, please comment and let me know what you think 


p.s How seriously awesome is this cover that my husband made me? 

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