Let's see how strong you are

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 name : your name

food : favourite food

colour : favourite colour

second colour : second favourite colour

~ Your POV ~

" IS EVERYBODY OK " I yelled. Ash and his friends focused their attention on me " I herd a loud sound and I rushed over here" I explained " YOUR A KEEPER !!, WILL YOU PLEASE TAKE CARE OF MY BROTHER !!!!" the girl  shouted.

  I forced a smile "bonnie I told you not to do that !!!" the boy whined as a robotic arm grabbed his sister's shirt "please think about it "bonnie smiled  " I will" I sweat dropped  " sorry about that I'm Clement and this is my sister Bonnie" he explained " I'm Serena " she replied "and I'm Ash " he smiled " I'm name  nice to meet you all " I blushed. vul vulpix \ hey what about me!! "oh and this is vulpix " I smiled , vulpix vul \ hello everyone!!! she chipped  " hey name let's battle !" he yelled "o-oh ok then lets battle !" you shouted .

~I have no idea how to start a battle so I'll skip the beginning ok bye now~

"Pikachu quick attack !!" ash yelled  Pikachu did as told and ran towards vulpix

" Vulpix doge and use bushfire !!!" I shouted vulpix dogged and stot a ball of fire at Pikachu

"Pikachu !!" Ash shouted she strong  he thought "Pikachu use-" "V-VULPIX !!!" you shouted vulpix and Pikachu were grabbed by two robotic arms "WHO ARE THAY !!" you shouted " there team rocket they steal other peoples pokemon !!" Serena yelled

Prepare for trouble !

and make it double !

to protect the world from devastation!

to unite the people within our nation !

to denounce the evils of truth and love!

to extend our reach to the stars above!



Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!

surrender now or prepare for a fight!

Meowth , that's right!

~~~time skip because I lazy and sick ~~~

team rocket blasting off at speed of light!! team rocket shouted " that will teach them "  you smiled eevee eev\ ya that do it eevee chipped " name your eevee is so cute!" bonnie shouted "thank you" you said while picking up vulpix " can I take care of them can I " bonnie asked " bonnie name won't be with us tomorrow " Serena replied.

" name why don't you travel with us " Ash asked,Serena froze and Bonnie's face lit up "oh please oh please travel with us" bonnie begged " it would be nice " Clement smiled you looked at Serena and she just nodded

"sure why not " you bushed

Wishes Do Come True   Ash x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now