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Real World

Daniel's Pov

I was cooking for Kayla when I heard my phone go off. I checked it and saw it was an email from someone. Who would have my email? I read it and found out it was one of those advertisements that try to get you to buy things. I deleted it and went back to cooking. I finished cooking and went over to Kayla's dining room table, and put her soup in front of her. I wish that I would've cooked chicken fingers or something because I just realized that she's right handed, and what's more awkward is that she asked me to feed her. I mean, I can't blame her, she would spill it everywhere if she used her left hand.

As soon as we both finished eating (most awkward dinner ever.), it was around eleven at night, so we went to bed. I was going to be sleeping on her couch for the next three months. I couldn't even get to sleep. I was really worried about Kayla, and I kept hoping that she was alright.

I was almost asleep whenever I felt someone shaking me lightly. I look up and notice Kayla looking at me. There were tears streaming down her face and I imediately jumped off of the couch and pulled her into a hug. "I-I....h-had...a n-nightmare." Kayla says in between pauses and stutters. "Do you want me to help you get back to sleep?" I ask her. She nods, and we head into her room. I lay down next to her. It seems really awkward when I do... especially since I was basically threatened if I even touched her, so I fought with every fiber in my body not to wrap my arms around her. She then turns to face me, and I become extremely nervous. She smiles at me with her beautiful smile. I had to fight the urge to kiss her. Wait...if I wanted to kiss her, does that mean that I like her? I starting blushing like crazy, so I hid my face in the covers. Jonah's going to kill me. Daniel, don't over think things. You'll pass out like last time. Stay calm and just focus on Kayla...wait, what? I do like her. Zach's right. I eventually stop thinking about it, and fall asleep.

Kayla's Pov

I wake up next to Daniel. I then remember my nightmare from last night, and asking him to sleep next to me. I gently hug him trying not to wake him. I just really wanted a hug. I notice his head move. Shit! I woke him up! Nice going Kayla! I mentally facepalm as I watch his eyes slowly open. He looks at me and imediately puts my covers on his face. I smile and do the same thing. Mostly because I was blushing. He then gets out of my bed and heads into the kitchen.

About ten minutes later, Daniel comes back into my room with food. I thank him and he helps me eat my food. I offered him some, but he rejects my offer and continues to help me eat. After I finish eating, I grab my phone and unlock it with my left hand the best I can. The only time I regret a pattern lock is now. Daniel comes back in my room, and notices my struggle to unlock my phone. He unlocks my phone for me. Yes I gave him my password. He's my best friend. Daniel sits down next to me while I scroll through my notifications before I accidentally drop my phone. Daniel catches it, and hands it back to me. After a little bit of scrolling and Daniel helping me type things, I take my pain medication.

After some time of watching tv after taking the pain medications, my eyes become extremely heavy and I can't hold up my head anymore. I lay my head on Daniel's shoulder and let the darkness take over me.

I wake up in Daniel's grip. He's finally hugging me. This feels so right. I think my celebrity crush on Daniel has turned into a real one. I have a crush on Daniel Seavey. No matter what, Jonah can't do anything about me liking Daniel. He can't make my decisions for me... well actually he can until next week. That's when I become a legal adult. It isn't like Daniel likes me back anyways. There's no way. Daniel can do better than me. As the haters on that group chat said, I don't deserve Daniel. Yes I still think about them even though it's been a month since that incident. I just realized that Daniel's birthday is the same week as mine. My birthday is March 31st, and his is April 2nd.

I feel Daniel wake up, so I pretend to be asleep. He strokes my hair. I feel him pick me up, and he carries me to my bed. He was about to walk out of the room, until I grab his arm. He turns to face me. "Stay with me..." I whisper. He nods and crawls into my bed and lays next to me. He once again refuses to hug me. I don't know if it's because of Jonah, or because it's awkward, but I scoot closer to him and gently wrap his arms around myself without even knowing what I was doing. He grips me more firmly, and puts his head onto my shoulder. "Sleep well Kayls." He says. I smile at his nickname for me, once again letting darkness consume me.

I hope this makes up for my laggy phone. It's working better now, and I'm able to load pictures! Now I'm going to try to get some sleep. It's 7:15 a.m. where I live. Told you, it was an update until I drop! Expect a bit of a time skip in the next part! :)


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