House of Revelations

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Patricia's POV

I didn't see why Eddie was in such a rush. He was agitated for the rest of the ride but wouldn't say why.

"What's wrong?" I asked touching his hand

"Zeno" He replied quickly I was about to ask what but the cab pulled up at the so called airport

"Here ya go. £20 please"

"This doesn't look like an airport" I stated

"Well I'm sure it will be familiar and I'm shocked you haven't recognised me"
I looked at Eddie confused but in the mirror I could see him pulling his mask off only to reveal

"Frobisher?" Eddie asked confused

"HELLO! RUN!" He said chuckling
I yanked only handles of the door but they were locked

"Oh yeah you can't oh well more for me" He said pulling the staff of Osiris from behind his back and edged towards Eddie

Eddie kept his focus on the Staff but at the same time he grabbed my bag and smashed it against the window pushing me then Jade out shortly followed by him

Eddie's POV

Something is going on I thought to myself
First Rufus now Frobisher I pushed Patricia to go to the airport on the other side and was running along side her while Frobisher was fast on our heels

We managed to get through everything quickly but Patricia was gasping for breath and was about to pass out.

"Yacker come on"

"Eddie I can't just go without me"

"It's not you they want.....They want me"


"Osirion... Someone grab that boy"

"Think someone just answered your question"

So I did I felt bad for leaving Patricia but they were spaces behind me but crowding round Yacker stood a blonde and a dirty blonde haired girl which I recognised as Nina and Amber

Next minute I had arms holding me back I hadn't realised I had stopped while looking back at Patricia but a whack on the head knocked me unconscious on the floor

Patricia's POV

People were crowded round Eddie I knew I needed help so Nina and Amber followed me over to Eddie carefully when Rufus pulled out the Cup of Ankh and the mask of Anubis and Frobisher carried the Staff of Osiris

Frobisher started to scan Eddie with the staff of Osiris and I knew something was up when tiny bits of purple started to leave his body.
"His power" I whispered

Nina grabbed the Staff out of his hand and it returned back to Eddie but Rufus came over and snatched it out her hand

"You foolish girl!" He said and sent Nina falling to the floor
And returning to Eddie and was about to scan him but

"There is a piece missing"
"Who took it? Patricia"

"Don't look at me!"

"Wait Patricia where is Jade?"
I searched round and couldn't see her

"Look over there" Amber shouted

"Everyone spun around to see Jade with the missing piece in her hand
We were both stepping closer to Jade who crawled back into my hands and I took the piece off her

Rufus stole it and reattached it but Eddie was up on his feet again and took them all down and left just in time for our flight to find every Anubis member around the different terminals

This felt like our last goodbye

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