The Other Uchiha (Kakashi Love Story) (11)

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It had been a few months since I had joined the Akatsuki, and during that time my hatred had grown for the Village Hidden in the Leaves. I had heard no news from the village, let alone any news concerning Lord Norio and the others. It was better off that I hadn’t though, the only thing I slightly regretted was Yuki, I had kissed Kakashi and had felt as if I had fallen in love with him, that one kiss that had caused me to put Yuki completely out of my mind, and I hated myself for that. I couldn’t face him, that thought had finalized my decision to stay with the Akatsuki, I didn’t care if I was considered some S rank criminal, I only cared about Shiro, and getting revenge.

“I don’t give a damn about what you say to me Itachi! I’m going to the Leaf Village to avenge Shiro, and then I’m coming back here to beat you half to death! I would kill you, but Sasuke deserves the right to do that! Shiro loved the village just as much as you! But yet you killed him! I don’t have to listen to anything you say!” I shouted at Itachi.

“You’re correct; you don’t have to listen to me.” Itachi stated.

“Why are you-,” I started but was interrupted by Itachi.

“But at least listen to this, your brother wasn’t who you thought he was; he too, was a part of the Uchiha Secret Police that was planning on over throwing the village.” He said.

“Why should I trust anything that you say?” I asked with slight anger in my voice.

“Foolish cousin, see for yourself.” He said as he then used his Mangekyou Sharingan, locking eye contact with me.

Seconds later I saw the Uchiha Police secret room with Itachi’s dad in the front of the room, along with Itachi and other members, one of the members being by brother.

“In a weeks time, we shall make our move, and take the village for ourselves. Now, all of you go home and get some rest, we must all be prepared. You’re all dismissed.” Fugaku, Itachi and Sasuke’s father said.

“Yes!” Everyone shouted as they then all walked out of the secret room, including my brother.

Seconds later the image of everyone was gone, and we were back to reality, Itachi then deactivated his Mangekyou Sharingan, and returned it to just the Sharingan.

“That is the unfortunate truth.” He said.

“You don’t understand, do you Itachi? Even if that is true, I could care less if he was a part of the group to over throw the village, my brother was killed. Shiro, my brother and your cousin, who you killed.” I said giving him one last look before I began to walk away from him and towards the Leaf Village.

“I’m afraid I cannot let you leave.” He said as he then appeared in front of me.

“Get out of my way Itachi, I won’t hesitate to kill you if I have to, even though like I said before, Sasuke is the one that deserves to kill you.” I said as I activated my Mangekyou Sharingan.

Itachi then activated his Mangekyou Sharingan, but quickly deactivated it and kept it to just the Sharingan, causing him to close his eyes for a second, which could only mean that his eye sight had and was still getting worse by the second.

I then took my chances and threw down a smoke bomb that had knock out gas in it, and jumped over Itachi, running in the direction of the Leaf Village.


I had been running for about a good hour now until suddenly a kunai was thrown in my direction, I quickly turned around and caught it, to notice that it was thrown by Jiraiya, one of the three Legendary Sannin, I then stopped and Jiraiya along with others from the Leaf had surrounded me in a circle, which included Guy, Anko, Asuma, Shikamaru, Sakura, Naruto, and Kakashi. 

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