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Maddie Corvos

Here I was.

With the boy of my dreams at the county fair. The biggest event in this isolated spec of a town.

Everything was perfect! The lights made me look ten times uglier, the "boy of my dreams" was to busy picking his nose and having an imaginary boner at all the boobs that float by. And better yet! The guy at the bean bag toss booth keeps licking his lips at me!


I just love this!

"Nate, can you take me home?" I said tugging on his shirt. "Why? We just got here. Don't be such a drag." He said keeping his eyes glued on a pair of conhunga's.


I've gone insane.

"Nate, please." I whined. I mean, trust me, I am not the whiney type. But this was getting out of hand. "Maddie, come on! We're having so much fun."

I know you are.

"I feel sick. Like, I could barf all over you're Adidas, right here and now." Boy does that guy love his shoes. "Ew. Okay fine let's go." He looked at me with disgust.

Yes, take me home little fuckling.

He grabbed my waist and steered me towards the exit. "Are you sure you don't want to stay a little longer?" He said looking a girl up and down. Get off me, freako.


I so badly wanted to slap him. But we can't have my nails falling off, can we now?

"Okay.." He said sighing.

God. What a disaster.

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