Chapter Four

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My eyes fluttered open and I was standing in a place I had never seen before.  It was mostly black, with wisps of dark grey fog that collected around my feet.  I also why took a few steps forward, what sounded like gravel crunched under my feet.  I knew I shouldn't just walk into some place I didn't know, but I threw all thoughts of common sense out the window and kept on walking.

I walked slowly and calmly, some how not frightened.  The swirling fog was relaxing to watch, and the blackness that surrounded me was not overbearing, just hanging loosely in the distance.  I must have walked for miles when I first started to tire, and the landscape unchanging.  I looked around, for maybe a hint of water anywhere, but there was nothing.  I walked a little bit longer, but then suddenly, out of the fog, a well rose up.  I smiled and walked over to it and drew some water.

It was cool, refreshing.  I took a few, long sips before letting the bucket drop back into the well.  I turned around to get back on the gravel path that I had been traveling on, but it had disappeared.  I frowned, walked forward, but the ground never changed to gravel.  I turned, to walk back to the well, but that too had disappeared.  Puzzled, I decided to just walk forward.  It was obvious that I couldn't go back to the gravel path, so I decided to just keep moving forward.

More miles past and my stomach began to growl.  Sighing, I sat down in the cool grass.  I ran my hands through the greyish green blades and plucked a couple to play with.  I looked around, still confused as to where I was, how I had got here, and where I was heading.  After a few moments of rest, I pushed myself to my feet, and maybe about a quarter of a mile away was an orchard.

"Well," the sound of my voice echoed a little in the emptiness.  "That wasn't there before."  Nevertheless I started my way towards it.  Once there I was met with a bounty of apples, pears, and more.  I tugged some of the fruit in reach down and began to eat a little bit.  I decided to take a few apples for the road.  After taking maybe three steps from the orchard, I looked back, but it had disappeared.

"Strange."  I frowned at the place where the orchard was mere seconds ago, before turning to walk again.  Within a few moments I was met with the gravel path again.  I stopped.  None of this made any sense.  The well, the orchard, the gravel path, all coming and going as they please.  Frustrated, I stamped a foot on the ground.  I wanted these things to make sense, for the pieces to fit together and paint an understandable picture.  I had questions, but no one to answer them.  I sighed and stomped forward a few feet before stopping.

There was a human outline up ahead in the fog.

A/N: Hi guys, just want to know what you think of the story so far.  Leave a comment to let me know!

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