8|2 Week Plan

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I spend most of the early hours of the morning getting ready for breakfast with Clarice and Harry. Because the weather is supposed to be nice today, I decide to wear my white lace romper and black ankle strap sandals to match. As I stand in front of the bathroom mirror, combing out the knots in my hair, I contemplate whether or not I should wake Zayn up, so he can start getting ready.

I mentioned the idea of having breakfast with Clarice and Harry last night when I got back to the hotel, and he seemed very indifferent about it. Once I finish grooming my hair, I exit the bathroom and walk over to where Zayn is soundly asleep on the bed. I take a few minutes to admire how peaceful he looks and the way his lips make a pout each time he takes a deep breath.

Glancing over my shoulder, I look at the clock in the cable box above our television and see that it is a quarter to eight. Zayn takes longer to get ready than I do, and I know it is crucial that I wake him up now if we want to be on time for breakfast. But for some reason, I just can't bring myself to, and I don't know why.

With a sigh, I turn back around and press a gentle kiss to Zayn's forehead. He stirs slightly in his sleep because of the action but does not open his eyes or awake from his slumber. I grab a pen and pad of paper from the nightstand and write Zayn a note for when he does wake up. I leave our bedroom shortly afterwards and walk into the living room where the mini fridge is. I grab a bottle of Fiji water and sit on the sofa while unscrewing the cap and taking a sip. Time seems to pass by slowly, and I only have my thoughts to keep myself occupied.

I'm a little nervous about how breakfast will go with Harry and Clarice. I've been good at keeping my cool so far even when Harry's rude to me, but I don't know how long my self control will last. What has been keeping me from snapping at him is the fact that I can see how much he cares for his grandmother. I've convinced myself that he's still trying to make sure I will bring Clarice no harm, and today I hope I can lay his worries to rest.

I leave my hotel at a quarter to nine and make the short trip across the green lawn to get to the Star hotel. I wait for Clarice and Harry in the hotel lobby and smile once I see them exit the elevator with the rest of the crowd. Harry appears to be slightly frazzled from the elevator ride but shows signs of relief to be outside. Clarice greets me with a warm smile and gives me a hug.

"Good morning, Sofia. Are only you joining us for breakfast, dear?" Clarice asks me once she pulls away, resting her hands on my arms.

I flicker my eyes between Clarice's and Harry's expectant gazes before nodding my head. "Yes, I decided to let my fiancé sleep in today. Perhaps we'll all be able to meet another time," I explain to her.

Clarice opens her mouth to say something in response but is cut off by the sound of Harry clearing his throat. I bite my lip to stop myself from laughing when Clarice flashes her eyes to her grandson in annoyance.

"Excuse me, but would you ladies mind saving the chit-chat until we're at the breakfast table?" He raises his eyebrows as he looks between me and his grandmother. "I'm absolutely starved."

I roll my eyes and shake my head at him. Harry doesn't seem to care much for an answer though since he walks past me and Clarice to enter the buffet lounge.

"Come darling. We can continue talking while we're eating our breakfast," She assures me.

Clarice links one of her arms with mine and escorts the two of us into the lounge. I take from different trays of food and pile on the fruits and pastries to my plate. I'm satisfied with my chocolate chip scone, bowl of oatmeal and strawberries, and glass of Apple juice and decide to join Harry at the table he picked for us outside while Clarice continues browsing the food options.

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