The Movement: Brilliance

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10,025 solar revolutions into the future, and the world that Man and Brilliance created flourished. They managed the Earth with great care, for Man and Brilliance loved the Earth as their home; their home that the Father Eternal created from the movement of the original point where love first became known. The oceans that Man and Brilliance managed were clean and abundant with diverse fish species and abstract creatures. The streams, rivers and lakes were fresh and drinkable and inhabited by a multitude of species of creatures . The sand that carpeted the beaches were without poison, and it resembled the infinite luminaries throughout the void, the nebula skin. The forests that Man and Brilliance invoked with majesty, were populated with giants of various species, their roots firmly placed into the heart of the Earth, and their crowns, lush and green, towered outward toward the void, reaching to be closer with the Father Eternal. The air, fresh and without illness, allowed Man and Brilliance, and all the rest of the creatures of the Earth to breathe life.

Man and Brilliance were pleased with the world they created and managed. Every sunrise and sunset they would express their thankfulness by means of ritual to the Father Eternal, for setting into motion the love of the continuum. Brilliance would conduct the ritual, by placing leaves of cannabis into a wooden bowl, applying sanctified oil to the cannabis leaves for the purpose of repelling evil from entering the ritual, lighting a stick of sage on fire, then declaring the sacred space of the ritual by waving the stick of sage around the boundary of the ritual, then around the bowl. "We give thanks to you, Father, The Eternal!" Brilliance exclaimed. Then placing the lit sage into contact with the cannabis leaves, setting them to flame. Brilliance then lifted the lit bowl upward toward the void, "May the smoke ascend and deliver our message of thankfulness to you, Father, The Eternal!" Brilliance exclaimed. She then lowered the bowl and placed it on the alter that she built. Being that Brilliance was sent from The Eternal and of The Eternal, the Father; she built totems to his honor, and Brilliance perceived that the Eternal Father was alive.

The Sun was at its peak of the day, Man was out in the wild lands hunting for sustenance to take back to Brilliance. Brilliance was out in the gardens gathering from the bounty that the Earth provided, to have for Man when he returned. It was an ordinary day, a typical day, until it came from the west, from the lands forbidden to Man and Brilliance from entering. These lands being condemned by blistering heat, poisonous clouds, and ill air. From these lands came a horde of monsters, possessed by the land from which they came. They invaded the sacred space that Brilliance had established to the Father Eternal. The horde of monsters launched toxic shells into the sacred space, splitting the totems into pieces, and splintering the alter that she had built. Reducing the sacred space to ruin. Thus, as clandestine as this horde came, so it left.

Once Brilliance was done gathering from the garden, she directed herself to the sacred space to go prepare for the sunset ritual. Upon arrival she witnessed the ruin of the sacred space. The carnage and aftermath of the totems and alter, the utter desecration. This caused Brilliance's heart to become bitter, her mind to become disarrayed, and her soul to become weary. For Brilliance perceived the Father Eternal to be dead.

"Brilliance!", Man called, returning from the hunt. "Brilliance, were are you? I have brought back much sustenance", Man called once again. Man then found Brilliance making her way back from the sacred space, bewildered. Her voice without conviction "the Father, the Father, Man, the Father is dead". Man was in disbelief, so he went to the sacred space to see if it was so, and he witnessed the ruin. When Man returned to Brilliance, Brilliance said to Man "I cannot bear to live eternal, when the Father is dead". Brilliance then demanded of Man, "Place your seed within me, so that I may be mortal as you are, and die one day". Man responded, "I have no desire to harm you Brilliance, you are the inspiration for this world we created". Seeing that Man was unwilling to make her mortal, Brilliance decided to enchant Man to sleep, and she planted Man's seed within herself, becoming mortal and with child.

274 Earth rotations into the future; The movement of the child within became additionally vigorous, the hands of the child clenched, beating against the womb of Brilliance. Her mortal body becoming conscious with the pains of labor, the pains snaring through her abdomen and lower extremities. The atmosphere roared and the dome of the sky flashed with electric stems of purple and white, energizing the dome of the sky. Many wolves journeyed from all parts of the Earth to witness the birth of the child. Brilliance pushed and pushed, her will to bear the child becoming more passionate with the passage of time. The child being pushed into the world that Man and Brilliance had created. As Man once echoed so did the new born child, uttering the first sound in human history, that of an infant cry. The wolves howled in sequence with the infant child's cries, illuminating the moon.

Man carefully guided the newborn child from Brilliance's being, then handed the newborn child to Brilliance's arms. The child's cries paused, the atmosphere cleared, and the wolves bowed. The child then let out an enormous yawn, and Brilliance peered into the child's mouth and saw the entire continuum within the child; the galaxies, stars, nebulas, planets, even the original point where love first became known. Brilliance then realized that the Father Eternal was not dead, but alive and living within her and within every child she would bear. From then forward, Brilliance and Man perceived their bodies to be sacred space, and populated the Earth by means of a new sunrise and sunset ritual; from a man's desire we are planted, from a woman's will we are beard, desire and will in all things fruitful must exceed till they, the man and woman, are both released from their rib cage, for the sake of their children.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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