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I sat silently in one of many maroon chairs in the children's hospital waiting room. My eyes were focused on the flickering small television in the corner. Dialogue sprinted across the small screen out of synchronization with the talk show host's lips, and it was beginning to get on my nerves.
I had been brought along to another one of my younger brother's doctor appointments, and so far, it wasn't going very well.
Well, for me, at least. I mindlessly tapped my pencil on the brand new notebook infront of me. A teenager wearing a Bob Ross T-shirt who seemed a few years older than me looked up from his magazine for a split second then turned the page and seemed to continue scanning through the endless ads.
I honestly didn't care. I've gotten worse looks from people.
Just then, a nurse poked her head through the keypad door and called my last name.
My mother, who was sitting to my left, stood up and took my brother's hand. Then, she glanced down at me.
"You can come too, you know."
The room was cold and awkward, so it only took a split second for me to accept the opportunity.
Standing up, I trailed behind my sibling as we entered a long eerie hall as seen in horror movies. The corridor reeked of a smell similar to hand soap, which I guess was better than the lower floor which had the scent of celery.
I heard the faint squeal of a toddler from the direction we came and I shuttered. This place was getting on my nerves.
We passed at least 6 doors before finally turning into a silver entryway. Halfway down that next hall, a light flickered and I felt my skin crawl.
Yup. This place was definitely getting on my nerves.
Finally, we turned into a metal-lined door.
Without warning, a lady in a floral dress stepped out almost as if she had sensed our arrival. When her gaze settled on my mom, she smiled and I imeadietly became aware of her crooked teeth.
I shivered again and glanced down at her name tag. It read "Dr. Karen" in big bubbled letters. I almost rolled my eyes at the fact it was written in comic sans and had a giant purple flower sloppily sketched on the side.
Dr. Karen grinned from my mom to my brother but when she got to me, her smile faded for a split second.
Dr. Karen regained her cheerful appearance quickly, but I could tell she knew I saw the confused look on her face.
"I didn't know there would be three people at this appointment," She hissed under her smile.
"Otherwise I would have had another chair brought in!"
My mother shrugged.
"Oh! That's fine, I'll just-"
"It's fine, mom. I can stand." I didn't dare to look her in the face as I calmly walked in the cold room and over to the corner.
I causiously leaned against it and slyly whipped out my phone to pretend to write something down in my phone's notepad to reflect the attention off of me and to the actual appointment.
Eventually, the few members of my family caught on and sat down followed by the now not-so-enthusiastic floral-covered lady. The woman shuffled the disorganized papers in front of her and scratched behind her left ear.
"Now, let's get down to business, shall we?" She began asking several questions to my mother, and as she received their answers, she jotted them down on a long information sheet with small lettering.
My stomach suddenly tied itself into a knot. A bead of sweat trickled down my temple and I cleared my throat, drawing attention to my area.
"Which direction is the bathroom?" I asked Dr. Karen through clenched teeth. She didn't even make eye contact with me as she spat out some directions and I quickly excused myself.
As soon as I heard the metal door latch of the room I was once in click behind me, I felt a wave of relief pass over me and I began to slowly pace to the bathroom. I didn't really need to go, but any excuse to leave that room was a good enough excuse for me.
After a bit of walking, I oddly found myself standing at the end of the creepy hallway we had once been in before. The stench of hand-soap filled my nostrils again and I flinched.
Suddenly, an earsplitting shreak of a very young infant rang out from the cold hallway and my heart nearly skipped a beat. A set of footsteps echoed from behind me and I whipped around only to see nothing. I held my breath.
I'm not going to last another hour in this place. I dreaded as I took a step back into the hall.
Suddenly, a hand shot out from behind me and I screamed right before feeling a cloth with a hand behind it clamp onto my mouth without warning. I almost fell over in shock, but I knew that would make my situation worse, so I tried to squirm away.
Unfortunately, the person behind me knew better and just held on tighter. I'd seen enough movies to know not to breathe into the cloth, so I kept my mouth shut and continued to squirm.
When I refused to breathe, the stranger seemed to grumble and I felt his grip loosen for a second.
I actually believed I had successfully gotten away, when suddenly, I felt their fist make contact with my stomach and my lungs filled with air in shock.
The world began to spin and the hospital lights grew brighter and brighter, until finally, I couldn't see or feel anything anymore.

(Heyyy... so uh... little author's note here: Sorry that was so fast-paced. I promise it'll get better in the long run. Anywhay, thanks for reading the beginning of this random story I'm brewing up from the deep dark depths of my brain!! I really appreciate it!! If you have any notes or suggestions, I'd love to hear them, too! Also, sorry for any spelling errors. I'm a lazy bum and didn't go back and fix most of the ones in there. Sorry! I'll also not include such long author's notes.
Anywho, I hope you enjoy the rest of the story! -BB)

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