Listen, Kid

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(Psssst- you don't have to listen to the vid as you read. I just thought it gave this chapter some uneasy vibes for the mood is all. But if you do, I suggest not starting it until you see the bold letters in the story after these ones. Anwho, carry on!)

I couldn't believe I was dumb enough to get kidnapped.
How come I never heard the person coming? I scolded myself.
Before I could think anything else, a wave of worry finally passed over me and my stomach tied into a complex knot.
What if the kidnapper got to my family? Where are they now? Where am I now? What's going to happen t-

Oh, just shut your brain off already, kid.

My thoughts stopped abruptly. That wasn't one of my thoughts. It was almost as if-

Kid, seriously, your brain is running a marathon. Can you just please just calm down already?

But I couldn't relax.
Who the heck are you and what are you doing in my-

Kid- listen to me- relax.

But I couldn't relax.
NO! You listen to ME!
I mentally yelled. This is MY brain! I don't know what crazy psychopathic mind wizard you are, but this isn't a place you can just roam around, got that? I'm not-
Suddenly, a pain shot through my head and my temples began to throb. I probably would have doubled over if I was awake.

I hate to punish you before you even become conscious, but you left me no choice.

A sound similar to a deep chuckling echoed in my head.

You really are a troublemaker.

I tried my best to shake the woozy feeling running through me. Who... who even are you?
The voice seemed to scoff.

Perhaps it'll be easier to show you.

Almost instantaneously, I felt my senses rush back to my body and my eyes shoot open revealing-

Nothing but darkness.

I heard the voice laugh again.

You really thought I'd show you my face? Revealing my identity? Giving away free evidence?

Is everything a joke to you? It huffed at me again.

Not always, but most of the time-

Suddenly, slightly illuminated grey smoke rose from the pitch black and clouded up into a tall figure in the shape of a man. From the smoke where the eyes should be, sharp Vs, almost like checkmarks, shone through, casting a sharp piercing red light directly where it aimed. The unsettling eyes reminded me of two laser pointers, or a tracking eyepiece on a shotgun; the thought making me tremble a bit.
Then finally, the voice spoke again, but this time, from directly infront of me where the figure loomed.


(Hey doods- I'm sorry this one is so short, but there needed to be a limit to this scene, ya know? Also, I forgot to mention in my last author's note that I won't be updating on a schedule, but whenever I can. Hope you're enjoying the story! -BB)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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