Day 1- Patience

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Ladybug had messed up.

She hadn't, in fact Chat had been pleased, because she had left slip a tiny bit of information about her civilian life.

The conversation had started innocently enough, after patrol Chat had been complaining about Plagg's love for cheese, and how it made him smell like old feet. Ladybug had giggled, and said she counted her lucky stars because Tikki loved cookies.

"Which is good, because my parents own a bakery and I live right upstairs, so cookie galore!" She laughed, and Chat stared at her as she suddenly stopped, realising what'd she said.

"A baker's daughter? I always thought you were bun-derful!" He kept up his cool demeaner, but on the inside, he was jumping for joy. If his lady was relaxed enough to let slip this, maybe soon she'd be okay with revealing identities.

Ladybug groaned at the pun, and laid back on the roof they were on, looking up at the stars.

She had always guarded her civilian life and all details about it. It would be too dangerous for them to know each other's identities, what if Chat was enslaved by one of the akumas, like he was with Dark Cupid?

You're scared, said a little voice in her head, you're just scared what he would think of you.

It was true, she was worried about the akumas, but she was more worried about what people would think, what Chat Noir would think if they found out she was just clumsy, normal Marinette.

"My Lady?" Chat's grin had faded slightly, as the silence had ensued. "Can I... ask you something?"

His green eyes met her blue ones, and she nodded slightly. He hesitated slightly, almost slightly afraid to ask, after Ladybug had fallen silent.

"Do you think... do you think that we could see each other? Like, our civilian selves?" He was met with momentary silence.

She thought about it, she really truly thought about it. Ladybug trusted no one more than she trusted Chat. Sure, he was a bit of a flirt, but he was always there for her, especially recently when they'd taken to talking and hanging out after patrols more often.

"Chat, I-"

"It's all right, I get it, it's safer if we don't know." They both frowned.

"I wasn't saying no," Ladybug whispered. Chat's face lit up like a Christmas tree, and his signature grin made another appearance.

"I, I just need some time." Chat didn't stop grinning, and held out his hand to help her up.

She pulled him into a hug instead. Chat was surprised but didn't miss a beat before replying.

"Take all the time in the world bugaboo, I'll still be here." She hugged him tighter, resting her head on his shoulder.

He could be patient, he could be anything for her.

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