Day 2- Banter

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The harsh ringing of her phone brought Marinette back to reality, and away from her dreams of taking care of kittens that she found in an alley.

It wasn't her alarm that woke her up, but her phone, telling her that Alya was calling, at 6am on a Sunday.

"Alya why the hell are you calling this early?" She asked as she answered the phone.

Marinette was met with an ear-piercing screech that made her, and Tikki, jump in surprise.

"Girl, you will not believe what I've found!" Alya yelled. Marinette rolled her eyes, she knew this was coming since it happened, last night. She had hoped that nobody had seen, but obviously she wasn't that lucky.

"What is it this time?"

"Well, despite the fact I didn't manage to see Ladybug and Chat Noir on their patrol last night- someone else did! And they were kissing! Do you know what this means? The LadyNoir ship has officially sailed!" Alya was so loud, that Marinette, in her still half-asleep state, had to hold the phone as far away as she could hold it.

"That's great Alya, but why did you decide to call me up at 6 in the morning, on a Sunday?" The more awake Marinette became the more annoyed she was at Alya.

"Because I'm 15 minutes away, so you gotta get your lazy ass out of bed!" Marinette groaned.

"Alya, you can't be that much of a bitch, this is my sleep we're talking about!"

"Come on nerd, let's go on a little adventure! Chat Noir often does patrol on Sunday mornings!"

Marinette already knew this, after all he was the one who told her he'd do Sunday mornings on top of their Saturday night patrol/hang out.

"And I've some of those energy drinks from Nino!" Alya sang, "Come on Marinette, it'll be fun!"

There was a pause, the energy drinks tempting her.



"See you in 10?"

"Yep, love you Mari!"

"Love you too Alya."

She sighed, it was going to be a long day. Maybe she should schedule to meet up with Chat later tonight.

Marinette smiled, feeding Tikki a couple of cookies and hastily getting changed.

Nothing like some Chat and Ladybug banter to lighten up her day.


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