Andrew : [ to whom she gave her all]

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And just as a flower unfurls it's petals at the kiss of the early morning sun,
So she blossomed for him.

She sprouted new petals, at a whisper, a tender touch, the caress of a cheek,
those words which she slaved to hear... ‘ I love you.’

‘ I love you.’

‘ I love you’ and that's enough.
This obsession for acceptance
which she confused with love was all Andrew needed,
the keys to her undoing were not in her heart, it was in her mind.

For in her mind she believed he loved her.

In her mind had she fabricated the unrealistic reality of euphoric bliss.

In her mind had she willed herself to believe that sweet nothings which dripped from his tongue, as dew drops off a lilac rose , were enough evidence of love .



True soul stirring, all encompassing love. A love that knew no borders, a love yet to be discovered.

And it was the desperation for this love that ultimately led her to her undoing.
As to Andrew, she gave her all.

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