Chapter 2

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It was finally time for geography class and i tried to suppress my smile as i walked in the classroom and saw Ms Rose sitting at her desk greeting us.
I rushed to my seat and got all the stuff outta my schoolbag including the paper Ms Rose lend me. I kept the small sheet of paper so she'd know that i read it. My heartbeat increased as i made my way to her desk. Fortunetly she was busy with something so i just laid the paper on her desk and quickly went back to my own and sat down. I glanced to her and saw her turning the paper. She then smiled.《Omg now she knows i read her note》i thought, my heart still not calming down. The bell rang and i knew this lesson sure wasn't going to be easy to handle. I just couldnt concentrate on anything else than her.《What's wrong with meee?!》I thought and tried to focus more on the stuff we had to work on. Time seemed to barely even pass and minutes felt like hours to me. But finally the bell rang ending this exhausting lesson. Ms Rose went to the closet in the back. I stood up and packed my stuff, ready to get outta there. Suddenly a warm hand briefly touched my back, sending a warm sensation through my body. That hand belonged to Ms Rose, who now casually walked back to the front. Catching my breath and trying to calm my racing heart i hurried to the next class. I could still feel the warm touch even though it only lasted a few seconds.《I..want it to last longer..》i thought to myself.
The remaining lessons passed rapidly to my surprise and thus ended the second schoolday.
[Next morning]
As usually i stood up and got ready for school. That day i'd have two lessons with her and just thinking about seeing her set me in a good mood. I took the bus to school and there i went to the first lesson's room. On the way i passed the teachers room and when i walked around the next corner i happened to stumble into 《M-Ms Rose..!》 i stuttered in excitement. 《I-i'm sorry》 i quickly said while feeling the rising heat in my cheeks. 《Don't mind it, sweetie 》 she said in her lovely voice. Timidly i looked up to her face and her beautiful smile just made me melt. 《She's also blushing slithly..! How cute!》i thought noticing that i've been standing there just staring at her for a while. My head must have looked like a tomato and Ms Rose chuckled a bit. 《We'll see us in 4th period》 she said to end this awkwardness.《U-um s-see you later, M-Ms Rose》 i was still stuttering like an idiot. I almost sprinted away and got to the classroom, where a few of my other classmates gave me weird looks. After i sat down i tried to calm down and get my face to go pale again. The next lessons were boring, but at least time seemed to pass quick. I recalled the events that happened in the morning, but tried to push them aside as i walked to the room, where i saw Ms Rose standing and greeting all the students. 《She's such a nice and lovely person》 i thought and when i passed her i greeted her with a shy smile, which she returned. I got inside and took seat. 《Two lessons huh..i'm gonna die》 i said to myself and waited for class to start.

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