_0.01_DIYA ROY

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Today , I'm officially a super senior. The fuck! -the promises I sweared like always went in drain. So what next...I was busy thinking tucked warmly in my bed and like always my mind started babbling. My mom used to say that I had an attention span of a fly. Well obviously being me I took it as a compliment but who knew that It'll come and bite my ass...not to forget-HARD!

My so called friends (...eyerolls) told me that the results might be out today to determine if I'd pass or fail. I believe thet God still loves me a lil bit for what I did. But still... I'm immature- I agree and, Yes I took revenge and nothing stopped me from laughing out loud untill my satan of a mentor walked in "pissed as hell" was an understatement as I pulled a prank on his niece- his flesh and blood. But, who cares?
"DIYA ROY!!" he called and it echoed in all the ...four plus four equals eight walls in the canteen and mess where the bitch was sitting.
Yes, I get your confusion... he didn't just call me, he Shouted at me. Yes again people- SHOUTED and I'd like to point out that the ROY family are gifted with speakers in their throats are should I say booming system.
"IN MY OFFICE NOW!" sheesh so much for hiding and not getting caught! thanks for the idea best friend and that too in the canteen with attached mess. Think my brains decided to take a vacation.
With no option just trailed behind as I knew my "friends" would have blended with the crowd.
I can even imagine them spouting' I don't know her' and in no time my lovely head hit the faculty door which just closed after he walked in. CHIVALRY IS DEAD. I repeat DEAD. totally flat. So much for being my guardian. o...kay I'll keep in mind to avoid using "yes" but excuse me this time.

My mentor aka Mr. Rajan Roy aka my guardian is the same person and my college does'nt know this.
Hehe... and they keep sending those stupid complaint letters about my behaviour, blah-blah-and bullshit. And the best part- he writes those damn complaint letter, well mostly it's copy-paste... but, who cares? signs and sends to his alias name. Imagine the undersigned and guardian's sign same... funny!? not really. I always wanted a dad figure to shout at me and mom figure to ...well I don't know and the same old question eats my mind and makes "dahi or chatni "out of it. What is it like to be in ...well...HOME.

Back to the matter in hand I'm standing in front if "Rajan Roy" he took his wife's surname was married happily untill the fated day the satan took her life.And kinda looks after me being guardian and all... No idea why; Still I've never seen him tired of scolding me and yeah...advising me. He thinks that I've still got a chance to be normal like the bees/students of my fashion college who are actually close to abnormal but Rajan and I knew that I'm totally out of it and who would'nt if they'd know what I went through and I would'nt say it aloud.

"You didn't even hear a word I said didn't you?" he asked exhasperated.
"yeah"I admitted. Newsflash-Diya too gets bored of throwing excuses people. He was taken back I can see it in his eyes and the wheels turning in his head. Those who get on his bad side get to face his cunning side. I guess I didn't reach there quiet yet.

"You are one of the best students we have in hand Diya don't get in these petty fights. You're better than that."He said adding a sigh.

"MAMAAA!!" came the screeching noise from the door entrance and came in the shouting bitch aka his niece aka Ragini to interrupt not caring who's in there and please don't think that she's my enemy she's not worth my time but in her eyes it's otherwise. Thankfully the Faculty room was empty or else it would be a feast for the Crocs' and Alligators we call faculties where I'm studying.

"Stop calling me MAMA. It's Mr.ROY or Rajan for you" he said bitterly and she flinched. Wow! everyone has their firsts. The witch is hurt...or...afraid!? I'm deciding here which is which while he's demanding my attention and no option here than to hear out.

"I've Decided" he paused for a dramatic sigh... so much drama dude.
"Decided on what?" for once in her life time , she spouted something sensible
"Yeah - 'Decided on what'" I imitated. It's really good to see her rail up... a feeling I have been used to and NO! I'm not a lesbo ...no offense and I do respect them but still NO!! donn't even go there.

Rolls his eyes... yeah the guys do too, apparently they are human too it seems. Didn't know when they entered the homo sapien sapien species .Duh! and then he decided to talk like a normal person considering he's abnormal...yeah- okay I'm off track, forgive my Awesome brains-

"Your punishments have been decided and Diya you don't have freedom to select your internship and you don't get to go to parties and I'm saying this purely from a Faculty's seat not as your Uncle Ragini or your...huh I don't know" He ended looking at me- so much for being my guardian, well who cares I didn't know how to get internship while he said he'll lend a hand- punishment or not after today's result- which will probably be out At 00:00 hrs, tomorrow I'm officially a senior! Thank goodness... the bitch started bickering and I'd slip out.

"Wait"- so much for slipping out.
"Yes, Sir!?" I asked. "The details well be sent to you by mail"
" Well. then thank you Sir" and I ran out.

I could have asked for another punishment for the pranks I pulled as later I found my gut feeling Kicking in. It's just an Internship as a Designer, what could go worse!?

And that was "pillaiyar suzhi" for my twisted days and yeah I scored 90% in my sem results!!

Good night people!
Dear lovelies, don't be a mum reader
As some words that you can't get are of Tamil language.

Lots and lots of 💓

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